Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thursday Thirteen: Some Random, Some Weird

. . . Factoids About Me. And yes, this does count toward my "100 Things About Me Post."

1. I make up words or phrases all the time. For instance, I call J "Turkey Beans." I don't know why. I just do. Or, I'll say, "I need that bottledy boopie over there." What the heck is that? Don't know, but apparently I needed it. I think it comes from having to come up with a creative way NOT to swear (I work with kids, I was trying to set a good example, really, I was) and it has just spilled over into my every day speech. Some of my swear words include: flippity flark, shykers, pitch and bone (no comments on this one please). The list goes on. And on.

2. I have a funny way of eating bacon. I strip the fat off. It is tortuous for anyone who watches. me. Oddly, if I have bacon on a sandwich and can't see it, I can eat it, fat and all. But alone, I have to strip the fat. I know its the best part, blah, blah, blah.

3. I have a ridiculous number of "To Do" lists lying around the house. If you find a notepad or random sheet of paper around our house, chances are there is a To Do list on it. With nothing crossed off.

4. I swear that my guardian angel was a man in a top hat, with a cane, who sang "Puttin' on the Ritz." Sadly, it is the 80s version.

5. Yes, I do have a penchant for 80s music. But, not 80s fashion. However, I did try to get my bangs to do that fluffy thing. It never worked. Thank God.

6. I am now obsessed with "So You Think You Can Dance." I like it more than IDOL. I will NOT be blogging about it.

7. I have ZERO attention span. It took 15 minutes for me to go from #6 to #7. I did 101 things in between. Awe . . . the Rocking Pony had her puppies. That sounds weird, doesn't it? See what I mean . . .

8. I have an addiction to the ellipsis and exclamation mark. Forget my fashion faux pas, this is where I clearly need an intervention.

9. I am a huge procrastinator. I like to tell myself it is because I am a perfectionist and that once I start something I will become fully engrossed in it . . . thus, I tend to procrastinate. Yeah. Right. Whatever.

10. I can make one dish, yes, ONE dish really well. Chicken Tetrazini. Whenever there is a gathering or a party, be rest assured that LaskiGal will bring Chicken Tetrazini. Seriously, though, my recipe is to DIE for. You can feel the artery clogging fat surging through your body with each bite! Perfection.

11. I have a thing about numbers being rounded off. Usually to the nearest FIVE or at the very least, an even number. I often eat things in twos or fives. Asparagus--two. Chocolate Chip Cookies--five. When I buy cans of soup, I must buy them in twos. My favorite numbers all are some variation of five or have an even number in them. This OCD-ish behavior is why I can't stop at 13. I must go to 15.

12. I used to have an obsession with:
This is only half the collection. I was cleaning out the basement. Hubby thinks we should Ebay this stuff. Well, if MJ would not have been an accused pedophile, maybe I could make some money. But, now, not so sure . . . Stop laughing at me. I was a kid . . .

13. As well as an obsession with:
McDonald's Happy Meal toys. Like you didn't . . . Now these, I might be able to Ebay. Nope . . . just checked. Not worth it. Dang it . . . Why didn't I collect expensive things? Check out all the ellipsis.

14. And an obsession with this:
90s R&B music. Ridiculous, really.

15. But, now, I am obsessed with all things this:

After learning all this, hopefully, I still have your respect . . . if not, maybe I can buy it with some R & B CDs, an old Michael Jackson poster, and a Cabbage Patch McDonald's toy. I'll even throw in a few of these . . . and these !!!

* * *
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


Juliana RW said... have lots of collection :D Nice

Mine in here Thanks

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I've been trying to figure out a way to blog the honking talking voice my husband does whenever the middle judge (brunette woman) speaks. Suffice it to say he captures her perfectly!

Kristen said...

Loved it!

I also am addicted to baby feet!

And the Michael Jackson collection is hysterical.

And oh yeah, clearly I have an exclamation point addiction as well. See any post or comment I have ever left! :)

lattemommy said...

#'s 3 and 8 could be taken from my life. Everyone's got their quirks!

Zoeyjane said...

#11 is me. completely. except that i don't eat asparagus.

#10. recipe, please and thank you. i need some chicken artery-clogging meals in the house.

Mozi Esme said...

Turkey Beans has a nice ring to it!

And my 13:

Kristi said...

The only happy meal toys I've actually gotten obsessed were the teeny beanies the first year they did it. My friend and I spent the entire weekend going from store to store until we had all of them. Now they have been sitting in my basement for 10 years.

Pam said...

you make me giggle! I say things that are not real words to- I even use them in songs I make up that are not real songs!!! See my love affair with the exclamation mark??? I would totally type more by my older child made my baby cry and now I have to go deal with it (all annoyed that they interrupted my sacred blogging- is that wrong?)

MommyTime said...

I love "Dance" too. But what cracks me up is that #9 describes me perfectly! Funny, huh? I never knew anyone else with this combination of procrastination and perfectionism. It's oh-so-effective, too, no?

Marmarbug said...

LOL! I hate bacon fat too. Drive Bud nuts.
I make up dumb names for people. My dog named Biscuit? I call Moomie. No idea.
And baby feet are the best addiction.

Texasholly said...

Cute pics!

I love #1 and do that all the time too. I am hoping it makes us endearing characters.

Lori said...

Your latest obsession is your best! If you know an elementary school teacher and want to get rid of your McDonald's toys, I bet she would gladly put them in her treasure chest. Your junk is always someone's elses treasure!

Pregnantly Plump said...

What a great list! And we have even more stuff in common! I also loved Michael Jackson. Little Elvis' current nickname? AngelPie. I also love elipses... Fun, fun!

Kat said...

It sounds like we have a TON in common. I have a weird numbers thing too. Especially when I'm eating. I loved 90's R&B too. And Michael. And making up words or phrases.
Great list! Love the pics of your little poopsie!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious, love the baby feet, so cute.

Mom said...

If it makes you feel any better I had a total obession with MJ back in the day too

Anonymous said...

Have you tried Louis Rich turkey bacon? It's pretty darn good, and no fat to mess with pulling off! :)

Anonymous said...

You know I'm with you on 1,3,5 & the ellipse.....don't you?

Amy said...

So funny! I like your new obsession :-)

We are quite addicted to SYTYCD also. My girls LOVE that show!

Anonymous said...

I (still) have an unhealthy obsession with Michael Jackson's music.

Wendi said...

#3 and #8 could be on one of my lists!!!

By the way...great 13!!!

just jamie said...

I, too, have an unhealthy relationship with ... the ellipsis. It goes with my thoughts ... sort of vacant and unending.

Love Baby J's photos...

Cynthia said...

All I will say is ditto #6!

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

I make up weird sayings all the time too but I also swear so I guess I can't use that as an excuse!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

This was fun and I must say I ADORE your new obsession! :)

Mandi said...

That was a fanastic post!!! I love hearing all the stuff everyone else does - it makes me feel normal!!!!! HA HA HA.

I must get into the habit of posting stuff like this on my blog, the closest I got was doing the whole 200 things list from Kristi's blog but I did manage to actually do it!!!

Have a great weekend - Mandi

Lindsey said...

My "cuss" words of choice right now are "YIKES!" and "PHOOEY!" I say them with emphasis, much like Jack Nicholson saying, "You can't handle the truth."

Also on the "To Do" list thing....ditto. You must be my listing sister:)

Lindsey said...

Oh and that baby J is ABSOLUTELY PRECIOUS! May I just squeeze him?

Danielle said...

I am obsessed with So You Think You Can Dance! I LOVE IT!!!!! Who is your fav so far? I have a problem with exclamation points too!!!!

painted maypole said...

i liked the first version of Michael Jackson, too.

Tara R. said...

I really like your new obession. Much cuter than MJ, and sweeter than Micky Ds.

Kellan said...

Awwww - I love your latest obsession - too cute! I too have a gazillion to-do lists around my house!

You are so funny and very interesting - enjoyed your list. The bacon thing was a bit quirky - HA!

Have a good Friday - Kellan

Elizabeth Byler Younts said...

i'm totally with you on bacon fat...i end up stripping so much fat off there's hardly any bacon to eat so most of the time i just give it to Omy husband.


I also have obsessions...with TO-DO lists. I collect them.

tulipmom said...

I buy groceries in twos all the time.

And I'm the same way with procrastinating and then killing myself with the perfectionish.

Ah the joys of OCD .... (and ellipses ... is that the plural?).

tulipmom said...


(shakes head)

Yup, that's me. Miss Perfectionish.

Mommy Mechanics said...

I have never collected anything. How boring am I? lol

Anonymous said...

Who wasn't addicted to Michael Jackson? At least I was, and there's you... Hmmm.. However, however my collection on MJ isn't as extensive compared to what you have. I also share your addiction of ellipsis... However I am starting to control my ellipsis urges... Don't judge me through this comment... Darn, can't help it... It's actually nice to press ... ahh... *grin*

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

Oh my gosh. Crack me up! We have a lot of similar weird habits. Like the making up weird names for things, the procrastination thing, the lack of attention.....oh my gosh, why are my contacts so weird. I haven't worn them in like three years, got them yesterday and everything looks weeeeird! Anyhow -- where was I?

Who knows. the blog.

Anonymous said...

I am the queen of exclamation points!! :)

and my bangs were always puffy.. hahaa

gina said...

lol. i have an obsession for italics- i guess we bloggers all have our idiosyncrasies...

Misty said...

I have a big CRUSH on you now.

Momisodes said...

Whoa.. I also had those obsessions and I strip the fat off bacon too! Could we be related? ;)

Karen MEG said...

Huge fan of "Dance" (too long to abbreviate). Awwwww, why won't you blog about it ;)?
I love your quirky 13. But those baby pics are the best!

krissy said...

Good Lord, I was LMAO at the bacon thing. Your funny as hell.

I love getting to know you better. This was fun!

Anonymous said...

I am with you and the bacon. I don't eat the fat either. It is like eating a great wad of butter, I loves me some butter but not like on its own.

Family Adventure said...

Good meme -- of course it should count towards your 100 things! And woo-hoo for the added two things to make it a nice, even (!?) 15 :)


Flea said...

What a cute little pudge pot! That's what I'd like to collect. Oh wait ... it seems I've collected a pudge pot around my waist. Never mind.

Wineplz said...

#9 is why my den (home office) looks like an F-5 went through it. I do it all the time...If I don't have time to be fully engrossed and finish the job without interruption, then I just won't do it.

Anonymous said...

I used to listen to the same music! We have way too much in common. Scary, really.

Mrs.B said...

I love your Thursday Thirteen lists! I may start day! J is precious!!!! He and C should meet and become girlfriend and boyfriend!

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