Can you see it? Hello my single, crooked little friend.A little closer . . .

*For those wondering, YES. I did delete the original post. Instead of explaining, I figure I'd just give you my one-toothed wonder.
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My sweet, sweet Laski. I'd call you by your "real" name, but I'm sure you don't want that out there.
I'll take this sweet little tooth wonder ANY day, but I want you to know... to be very clear on this... I'd take you too. All of you. The part that is happy. The part this is hurt. I get that. I understand. And I understand how frightening it is to let people in.
So. You've got my email. I think. It's And Bec's got my number. Use it.
There, I said it. And I mean it.
email me, too (mommyismoody of the gmail phenom), you know, if you ever want someone to shoot the sh*t with about the aforementioned deleted post. i got it in my reader and i'm all hugging you and stuff, virtual-styles.
Oh I love his little grin! He is just too cute! Just too cute!!
Oh my gosh I LOVE IT!! Cutest little chopper ever!!! Great shot!!
Laski are you going to play PSF with us this week? Please do!!!
Very cute tooth! He doesn't seem too bothered by the teething thing!
And here's to breaking the cycle.
Oh. I see it. Hope it didn't cause him too much discomfort when it was coming in.
That is darling!! I miss that so much...
Cute ankle-biter!! :)
Can you believe our babies are 1 day apart and mine has a full mouth of teeth!??! :) Hard to believe!
What a cute little one-tooth wonder!
What a cute little chomper it is!
The one-toothed wonder is pretty cute too!
awww, sweet little guy ... can his grin get ANY bigger?!
And yay on the tooth LOL!
Man, does he ever look wicked proud of that tooth. No doubt since, if recollection serves, they are a bitch to grow! lol
What a great smile. :)
You can NOT call this adorable little tooth CHOMPER. We call our angry wiener dog CHOMPERS and your guy is too cute to share that name!!
Hallie :)
A tooth!!! No wonder the smile!! It finally broke through and he's not in pain. What a sweet, sweet smile.
My W W is shared. I'd love to have your company today.
well, since I use google reader, I was able to read the post you deleted. It is your blog, so you delete any posts you want too. But, also know that because it is your blog, you should feel free to post whatever you want. It doesn't all have to be funny and happy. Sometimes, the blog is the outlet that keeps us sane and ready to face each new day. I'm sorry you felt you couldn't put whatever you want on there.
Now- about the little guy- TOO cute. I love it. He is so happy in that picture too. Almost like he is saying - 'hey, look what I did! I am one fabulous baby!' Too cute.
You must beware. I bite cute kids!
What a cutie patootie!!
Cute first tooth.
Now I am totally wondering about the deleted post- sounds like you needed to vent. If you ever need to talk you can email me- I have gone through postpartum depression three times and pregnancy induced depression- once. Talking really helps -as does asking for a little help (that was hard for me to do).
What a cutie! Love that "toothy" smile.
Happy WW!
Love that little bitty tooth picture!
Feel free to email me anytime btw. I'm an old soul.
What a nice way to start my day!
I ditto what misty said! I saw your original post last night and tried to comment and got an error and so I left and came back and it was gone. I was so confused and now I see that you took it down. You should have left it up - I loved that it showed that part of you - those other issues - so honest. I write like that too - if it comes out, for whatever reason, it becomes a post. Mostly I do upbeat posts, but if you look back in my archives, I have several that were exactly like yours - about issues that are often right below the surface or that have been with me all my life. Do not apologize - we want all of you!!! Hope you are okay and I love those darling pictures - what a blessing your sweet baby is!
Have a good day - Kellan
Gimme. Gimme gimme gimme.
WHATTA QT!!!!!!!!!!
i love that one lil' tooth smile!!
He is just stunning!! I could stare at him all day long!! :)
(don't worry you don't have to remove your pics... i swear i won't really stalk your son's pic... and stare at it all day!!)
b/c i'm slightly nosey and read the other comments once i saw you say that you deleted the first post you had... i just wanted to say...
1. sorry for being nosey. really.
2. i hope, if you are having a bad day... that things get better.
LOTs of hugs coming your way!!
I'm glad you shared it, even if it was briefly. I hope it helped you to feel a little better.
That little stinker it too cute! I love the new little toofie. :)
Look at that sweet baby boy! I can't wait to watch him grow up! We are still toothless over here! Just waiting....I think it will be soon. HJ has been a little fussy the past few days:)
So I just read the original post (it was in my reader) and I'm so glad that I did. We have MUCH more in common than you know, my friend. MUCH, much more in common! We should do lunch-ha!
What a sweet little tooth! Such a happy little baby!
Oh my gosh! He is soooo cute!
What a sweetheart!
How old is he again?
Well darnit, I'm just going to have to go look...
See ya later!
Love your blog!
I read your other post in my reader, and my heart knows where you are.... I hoped it helped just writing it down.
That toofer is just awesome!! He is just a doll.
LOVED your comment on my post. Thanks for sharing, it cracked me up! The big question...was that all that the room was used for? :)
Oh Laski, I came here all pumped to read a good rant after seeing your Twitter update!
But you little guy is so cute I can't hold it against you. Hope you feel better and I just read Misty's comment and I feel the same way... I'll take you all, love, pain, the whole damn thing. Life isn't all happy babies with one tooth but thank goodness those babies are part of it!
:-) it.
But the biggest reason I came here is to tell you how much I was laughing at your post on "A Bun's Life"
That is so stinking funny and your hubby deserves a medal because I had similar issues one time and my hubby forced me to go into a disguisting restroom. He didn't get any for a week!!!
Thanks for the fantastic laugh of the day!
That is cute tooth!!! And a cute boy.
I read the post too. Sometimes we all need to vent too. It's normal and part of who we are.
I hope that writing the original post helped more than keeping it posted.. I am sending you hugs your way..
The picture is adorable... congrats on his first cut tooth!! :)
I see it! So darling :) I love the widdle 1 toof smile ;)
YAY! Now there are only 4000 other teeth to come in, right? Heh.
I read the earlier post in bloglines before it went krappola. It's your blog. Don't feel like you need to censor yourself, dear.
And, I love one tooth wonders. How adorable!
Oh, so cute!!! He's got the best smile!
magic magic grin.
Yup, I see it...yea!
Oh, it's so cute!!!
So, so cute!! I love it when their teeth come in!
Tee-he so cute!
So sweet, he is!
Man, it seems like just yesterday we were cutting our first tooth. Now my baby is cutting her two-year-molars.
Hold on tight. It goes way too fast, my dear!
Aw, how cute is he?!?
Handsome boy!
gosh...he's so cute that even his tooth is cute!
Sweetheart. The first post was written beautifully. I can understand that you don't want it up for personal reasons, but please: don't ever think that your readers only want to hear the perky stuff. I consider you a friend, and friends don't turn each other away when they're feeling down.
I would like to add my offer of someone to talk to if you ever want to.
Also? Don't discredit your ability to write a serious post. It was poignantly descriptive.
I see it!! Adorable! :-)
He is just way too cute, I love his adorable tooth!
I too read your post in my reader and I just want you to know that you are not alone. And that you are in my thoughts and prayers, praying to break the bondages and cycles of the past and of our fore bearers.
Love the little tooth! So cute.
My little guy just has his 2 bottom teeth. But he is not sleeping well so I think more are on the way!
Adorable grin :)
Those little things are sharp. It should come with a warning label.
♡ Cute boy!!! I cried when my oldest got her first tooth... Time goes by so FAST! So cute!!!
I didn't see the deleted post, but let me offer my hugs(virtually), I know how hard it is to hit post on a deep inside post...and I know the regret feeling after I do post...and it is sitting out there for everyone to read. For the truth of me to be out there....but it is just that...OUT "THERE" and sometimes that feels better than INSIDE. HUGS.
Now...on to the post you decided to leave up...TOOOO CUTE~~~ I love baby teeth!
Awwwwwwwwwww! Look at that adorable little tooth! Better start flossing soon! ;)
Oh, so cute. Just catching up on my reader. Had to start with you.
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