Ever have one of those days? I'm having one of them right now. It isn't even noon and I am deeply entrenched in ONE OF THOSE DAYS.
I had a great post planned. It is actually done, but it is missing something. There is also a lot of horrid grammar and I can't let it out of the box until I fix it. But this post, being that I am having ONE OF THOSE DAYS, I dont' care what mistakes you find. Mispellings. Punktuation erors. Whatev.
My house is a disaster. I have a ton of irons in the fire . . . a web site I'm supposed to be working on for my sister. Business cards I said I'd design for my other sister (I started this one but can't think of a cool enough business name--she's starting her own bakery business--any ideas, please shoot 'em my way--maybe I'll hold a contest! Hold your thoughts on this one . . . ), books that are so passed due at the library I'll have to take out a loan to pay the fines, stuff I've been meaning to write, things that need to be scrapbooked, a journal that needs to be updated, classes that need to be taken (for a volunteer project I really wanted to do at the time but didn't realize the time and commitment involved and I CAN'T back out . . . ), blogs that I desperately want to visit, some awards that need to be shared (I swear I haven't forgotten and am so, so thankful to each of you that deemed me worthy enough to present me with an award), a flyer for the ice cream block party that needs to be created, programs that need to be learned, and the biggest albatross of all . . . an office that desperately needs to be overhauled. But, you know what I've been doing for the last three hours?
Playing with J. Rolling balls on the floor. Squeezing my huge behind through a tunnel made for toddlers (him laughing his butt off watching me struggle to get to the other side--sorry, no pictures), chasing him from one end of the room to the other (man has he gotten quick with the whole crawling thing), watching him be all daredevil-ish by climbing on the very top of his chair while holding onto the couch--looking at me as if to say, "Look at me, I'm an ER trip waiting to happen!" Laugh. Giggle. Snicker. Laugh.
Having the time of my life while still in my PJs. My Cookie Monster PJs. I kid you not. Don't believe me . . .*Can you see my double chin or the graham cracker crumbs on my, um, chest, or that J is covered in a mixture of oatmeal and cracker goo? Forgive me for my not-so-fabulous mothering.
My house is a mess. A huge mess. Don't believe me . . .
*Cereal, crackers, you can't see the dishes, but they are there, those dang overdue library books, a soother than needs batteries . . . and don't say your house is worse to make me feel better. I cleaned up a little before I took this shot and then I gave you the most flattering angle.*J actually has a play room (and his own room) upstairs (a converted bonus room). But, the simple fact is, he owns every square inch of this house. And I SWORE we would never be THOSE people with kid stuff everywhere. Yeah. Whatever . . .
Oh, and that office? Very bad things have happened in that office. My life threw up in that office. Don't believe me . . .*We don't deserve to have a house. We should just live in a cave. I have no words for this monstrosity. But no that a long, long time ago (like about 10 months and 2o days ago) I used to be a neat freak. I miss her sometimes . . .
I saw a total summer movie (Lindsey, this could be a summer movie due to the animation, but also a winter movie because it is deeper than you'd suspect) yesterday with my friend Carrie (the post I had planned was all about her and DATING!!! Will post tomorrow if the grammar improves). We saw WALL E. Amazing animation. Touching. MAJOR MESSAGE flick. Kids may get a little antsy, but adults will be riveted. Why am I sharing this with you? I'd like to say it is because I wanted to encourage you to see a educational yet heartwarming movie. In reality, it is because I don't want to change out of my PJs or clean the office.
Tried out the new jogging stroller yesterday. Because it has a stationary front wheel (recommended for runners--safety and all), you really have to get used to maneuvering it. Let's just say that the biceps I do have were completely useless. BUT, J certainly loved the ride. Every time I slowed down he CRIED. Great. What have I set myself up for now? Look at me . . . procrastinating again.
Listen. I gotta go. J's devoured his two cookies and 45 pieces of cereal. He needs a nap. I need to get out of my PJs before noon (I doubt it'll happen, but it is certainly worth a try). But, being that the office needs that overhaul I keep mentioning, there is no doubt I'll be back . . . for um, moral support. Yeah, that's it. Moral support.
*BTW, this is the first time I am not going back to reread what I just wrote. Not checking for spelling, grammar, or punctuation. The English teacher has left the building . . . for how.
Monday, June 30, 2008
One of THOSE days
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J must have decided to help you get your exercise in - he's going to make sure you RUN!
I have decided my neat freak can come back out when the kids are grown. Until then, she's locked up because otherwise, she'd drive me crazy!
first off... congrats on choosing to be a mom first! the house will still be there, the laundry won't care, but your little guy will love the time and attention he got from his mommy
I'm not saying this in any way to make you feel better but the pictures you posted of your dirty kitchen and family room are what mine look like on a GOOD day. My office looked just like yours up until Friday when I was home with a sick Cooper and no internet. It doesn't look a whole lot better, but I did tackle some of the tallest piles of mess.
I have always lived with Clutter as she was part of my household growing up. I only vaguely remember my house being neat and straightened up when I was very young. But once my dad left and my mom was on her own and going to school to get her nursing degree so she could support us, Clutter moved in. Even now that all of us kids are out of the house, my mom still has Clutter hanging out there...and somehow she cloned herself and lives with me. Justin goes nuts because his mom stayed home with him/his siblings and was always able to keep things fairly uncluttered (and I think he doesn't remember anything until he was like 10). But what can I say? It's hard when you have a small person/people in the house to keep up with that stuff.
I've a feeling you're a bit like me where if you don't feel as though you have enough time blocked out to tackle a big cleaning project, it just gets pushed aside until that time comes (if ever...ha ha). So don't feel bad. I'm sure J really appreciated being able to have your undivided attention...and that's what REALLY matters. :)
Also, I wore Grumpy jammies last night (yeah, Grumpy of the Seven Dwarfs).
if it makes u feel any better i just got out of the shower at 1. if ur child is happy, who cares what ur house looks like. he will remembered that he had a mommy that played with him, not the house. as for my house? it too is walking away from me. i get so overwhelmed cause i don't know where to start!
Ok, then I won't point out the errors, what with being a grammar and spelling freak myself...
See? I think I left out a comma in my comment, but I am NOT going back to fix it or double check it. WHOOOOTTTT!!!!!
Living it up in the Cheap Seats!
FYI. My house IS worse than yours. TRUST ME.
I'm having the same damn day. Make that "week" or really "month."
Do you think someone is going to play grammar cop on your post? Pshaw! You think that's messy? That's nothing. I agree with Colleen; that's a good day at my house. And, playing with the kid? Is better than doing any of the "things" on your list.
When you look back in 20 years, you won't care what your house looked like (and if your house was dirty then those must have been some VERY flattering angles, dear), but you will care that you spent that time with your child. My house looks like a tornado went through. You know your office...that's um...like my entire house right NOW.
We all need days like those sometimes. It is much better to play with your kid than clean. If you clean it will just get dirty again anyway. ;)
I'm having such a crappy day. I am in the worst mood ever and the boys (all of them!) are being freaking animals. I think I've ripped out half the hair on my head. I'm done!
Um yeah. We ALL have those days, weeks, or all the time. Last Friday? I didn't get out of my pj's until I showered at 4:30 pm and that was just because I didn't want my husband to know that I had been in my pj's all day.....hang in there. You can only do what you can do, but it does sound like you have to learn to say no.....
Thank you for being so real. First of all, I am going to force my husband to read your blog so he can understand that it is not just us. Seriously, sometimes our house looks like Armageddon. It's frightening. Hang in there, sister. You're doing the most important thing of all today, which is making that little dude laugh his buns off.
Did I see somewhere that you won something? I can't remember which blog I saw it on.
Btw, I think you secretly LOVED my goiter and roid pics!!!
Hallie :)
Sometimes the other stuff just has to wait.
Can I just tell you how much I love your writing. I so feel like you just talked to me on the phone venting about the craziness that is ALL OF OUR LIVES!
And yes, playing on the floor is so much better than ANYTHING else that you could be doing. All of the other stuff will find a way to get done.
That's why were moms. We can do it all! Just not all at the same time often! But, it will get done!
Great post, and thanks for the glimpse into your life! :)
Love the PJs... I have my fluffy bunny (with big pointy teeth) slippers at work - does that count? I feel your pain, I've been having one of those months. :D
Yeah, I my house looks lived in, I can clean when I have an empty nest... in about four years.
What's going to be more important in 5 years - that you played with your son and showered him with attention or that you had a clean house? It's ok - let it roll! :)
your house and my house are like identical twins! At least in the messiness department.
love the pjs! and crawling through a toddler tunnel? that is a sign of EXCELLENT parenting. Don't worry about the rest.
I hear you screamin' girl. I am a little overwhelmed myself today and also posted about it. At least you are havin' fun with J, that's what counts the most. And who cares if you don't get out or your p.j.s? Not like you aren't gonna put 'em on again tonight...
And I agree with Kristen, it's like we were on the phone talking. Although, just a little one-sided. ; )
I feel bad now that you sat thru my 26 minute video! If it makes you feel any better, punktuation ans speling give your post character :)
You reminded me that I need to get to the library with my boys. But you also reminded me that if I go, I will be neck-deep in fines because who knows when I will be back again to return the books I take out.
I just found your blog and I'm loving it! I hope your day got better!
my hubby and i were each trying to get the other to take the littles to see Wall E and it eneded up a draw- knowing now that it is good- maybe I'll act the martyr, get to see it and score brownie points with the hubs. ;) thanks.
Totally want to see WALL-E - thanks for the recommendation. I am right there with you on the list of things I have to/want to/should be doing being way too long for my day! Take a deep breath and start again tomorrow; I'll join you. :)
I had one of those days today as well. I hope your tomorrow is better...I left my controlling OCD side in the past and now I find that I do need just a wee bit more balance...I'm almost getting lazy...
WOW- you are busy! You're house is no worse than any other mother with a small child, so don't feel bad!
Thanks for the heads up about WALL E being a "major message" movie. I saw another one of those (Happy Feet) and nearly scarred me for life.
Crawl in the tunnel with J all day long. The rest of it will be there next week, next year, next decade, etc.
Hey ... look! Here I am. Sounds like perfect timing too. I suppose I'm okay with you not answering your phone today!
No worries. In just a matter of days you will be reunited with yours truly. Oh, it can't come soon enough.
Coffee on me.
I agree with everyones comments, that was exactly what I thought - yeah for you for choosing the "fun" stuff.
As for your "mess", and you said dont comment that mine is worse just to make you feel better - this is just for you (so no one else look), On my blog I took a photo of my new hair - behind me is my kitchen, I had not done a thing to it before I took the picture and then we loaded it to the blog and I wanted to delete it - what a mess, but I liked the photo of my hair, so I had to sacrifice my vanity for the mess. That is what its like most days - so cheer up mommy, you are doing a great job!!!!!!
If it makes you feel any better? I was in my PJ's all day. Didn't bathe, and then change into NEW PJ's until 8pm tonight. Yup, I'm so freakin' hot ;)
Why are Monday's always pure madness??
I find that most Pixar movies anymore are more for adults than kids in the story and kids get antsy. And the problem I have with that after 6 years of experience, is that if I am going to suffer through another kid movie (cuz you DO get sick of them after a while), I at least want my kids TO WANT TO BE THERE FOR THE WHOLE THING. Is it just me?
can i PLEASE come and organize your office? it'll be so much FUN for me!
I hear you...I clean and clean and clean, and with two...they just follow behind me and pull it all out again. Bottom line, being a Mom is a lot of work...enjoy the fun stuff and try not to sweat the housework:)
Ohhhh, I hope the rest of your day went better!
You'll make it. Promise.
Sorry I'm so late coming to your day - hope it got better! Take care - Kellan
Hi. Thanks for writing me. I'm so glad I finally "met" one of Amy's friends. J is ADORABLE!!! Last year, I took a picture of Daniel in his car seat. How can you not?
Regarding the your blog on having so much to do and not having the time: Have you ever heard the saying, "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans."? I think that was originally said to a mother.
So, I made my dear and lovely husband read this post and he thought it was great. I think it helped him feel more normal, too. He enjoyed the PJ's with the crumbs the most.
Anyway, stop by and read more about the love of my life (and pain in my butt). :)
TEEHEE!!!! I am so like that! I can procrastinate all day long. My latest problem. Laundry. I can NOT put it away! I think the force is against me.
But the most important thing is that you are spending time with that SWEET baby and that is the best procrastiantion ever.
Sounds like my day. Every day. Only that office with life's vomit? Is my whole house. *sigh*
I can't find your email address but I wanted to get back to you. We have Andrew's b-day party on the 4th and consequently lots happening with family in town,etc..all through the weekend. CRAP! So, when will you next be in town. I do very much want to see you!
So much to say....
First I must see that movie. Thanks for the shout-out!
Sorry you are having one of those days. ICK! Just be glad you don't have to go to work:) And I will probably go back to teaching in several years (I want another baby and I'll want to be home with that baby for a few years).
You've got to learn to say no to something. It's so hard to do, but it is a MUST! I like my sanity:)
Baby J is precious! We really must "fix up" HJ and J. The PERFECT LITTLE COUPLE!!!
Oh and I'm so glad you can't see my house.....WE ARE MOVING. It is a DISASTER, much worse than yours.
Sounds like you have lots on your plate! I think playing with J sounds like so much more fun than returning library books.
But I do have to suggest letting him help you organize some. I completely overhauled our house this spring (it's tiny) and Little Elvis helped me in every room. He had a huge time! Yes, it took me a while to do it, but we both had more fun than if I had done it alone.
You are a wonderful Mommy! Playing around is MUCH more important than cleaning...at least, that's what I keep telling myself!
Well hell, my house still looks like that after I have cleaned it, so at least you have that going for you. :)
What a great mom you are!! You can clean the house tomorrow, or the next day, or the next day! LOL!
Wow... I thought I was busy. Wait, I am. But, my internet is working again, so at least I can blog again and whine about being so busy. :)
You do have a full plate. But, playing with that little cutie is worth every penny of overdue library books!!
Well..American Idol is done with. If you feel you need to organize your sock drawer or something, you could use that Tuesday at 8 time slot. Buuuut, I'm sure you could find something much more fun to do. Like have a block party! :) Kudo's to you. I thought the exact same thing one day recently..then read it on your blog. People are in such a rush, they love their TV, computers, A/C, rush rush rush...they don't just come out and play anymore. We LOVE walking around town. We do have neighbor friends, they would come over for a party, but I would LOVE a block party. Well, minus the "serial killer" that lives across the street!!! Serious..ever see "The Burbs" with Tom Hanks?? Big car, only come out at night, never see anyone around, etc. That's this dude. Except at Halloween...his light is on and he's MORE than willing to give out candy. Freeeaky!
Whew... you are busy, you can't listen (read) my rambling!! Hope you catch a breather!!
I am glad to know I am not the only one who has those kind of days! Hope tomorrow is a better one.
Damn girl, I feel ya. Let's say we meet at drink-thirty and let it all go. Okay, let's just hope tomorrow is better. :)
A cookie monster t-shirt? Oh man, oh man..... I am so laughing with you. Too cute. And I am soooo glad you took a picture!
Awesome. You should see my house by the way. I just can;t keep up!
Ever have one?
Every day is one!
I love punktuation erors.
Adore them!
My house looks like a hurricane blew through. I checked the doppler... there were none
indicated on the radar. Must have been my kids.
Slow. down. already.
Follow my lead, "NO!"
Now you say it!
Play and love baby J.
Stay in your PJ's.
Life is short... enjoy it!
Thanks for the movie recommendation. I will certainly check it out.
Hope the day got better!!!
Since it is "tomorrow" and you haven't posted, I am hoping that your "day" didn't turn into 2.
Good for you for being a mommy. The messes will always be there, although it doesn't get any easier looking at them.
oh, I have THOSE days. Sending sympathy... And I maniacally reread posts too, and yet still find typos five minutes after I his "publish" -- it's never ending. Enjoy playing with J. That's more important. :)
I know it probably won't matter what I say because 54 other people have commented now...but I feel your pain.
Unfortunately everything that has thrown itself up all over my house is being taken to the garage...not a permanent fix--but a sanity saver. :)
Sounds like a crazy busy day---but it ALSO sounds like you did the best stuff with the person who matters the most! :)
Recipe Alert! Aunt Julie bakes a Strawberry Rhubarb pie at http://poprs.blogspot.com/2008/07/tasty-therapy.html. Check it out!
I have the MESSIEST house ever right now. I would win a contest for the Mess if there was one! I love that you took pictures because I could not even do that right now! LOVED your post with pictures!
You really have to come over to my house sometime. That? Is nothing. NOTHING. I wish my house was that close to clean.
i so love that you posted this!! lemme tell ya sometin'!! this is what my house looks like... but only worse!! :) lol for real!! i have a few less dishes b/c i did them while i was cooking corn on the cob for dinner, but the rest of the house is so messy!! :) I actually wish my house was as clean as yours in the pictures. :)
it happens. oh well. it will be there whenever you are ready to clean it... garantee that it won't just clean itself up.... i've tried that. :) and the BEST thing in the world to do is to play with your kid(s)!! forget cleaning. You are the BEST mommy!! you go girl!!
Oh, I've had plenty of those days. You, my dear, clearly have your priorities straight.
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