Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Only time will tell . . .

Heads will bow. Tears will fall. Shouts will be heard.

Speeches will be made. Hearts will swell. Hearts will break.

But eventually . . .

The lights will dim.

The music will fade.

Everyone will go home.

They will go about their lives. Wondering. Wishing. Praying. Hoping.

Will lessons be learned? Will the venom of the past be replaced by the elixir of hope?

Will promises made become inspirational reality or will they become squandered fiction?

Only time will tell . . .

Regardless of where your loyalties lie, November 4, 2008 is a day that will be forever etched in America's history.

"We will get there," he says.

I hope we will. I pray we will.

Only time will tell . . .


Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

Best election post I've read so far! This is so inspiring.

crazymumma said...

Baby steps.

I guess what I mean is that this is a HUGE step, but in terms of global LEARNING....people take baby steps.

sorry. its early and I have not had enough coffee.

Karen said...

My husband and I were just discussing this last night. The American people are so fickle, it's hard to say what they'll think or do two years from now. We can only hope for the best. From everyone.

lizzy-loo said...

so true, we are coming from the posturing and campaigning phase to the action phase. i worry that expectations are so high for this brave new world that it may be impossible to achieve. step by step is all we can do.

Tara R. said...

I'm hoping to see that change that was promised during the campaign... only time will tell.

Lindsey said...

I had cold chills throughout the night....I have high hopes for the future:)

Great post!

Kori said...

And that would be the case had the other guy won, too, wanted to point that out.

Cathy - wheresmydamnanswer said...

Very well said - Thank you for putting this into a very real perspective...

Cecily R said...

Oh, I love your honesty, love your words, love the way you make them go together perfectly!!

Hey, e-mail or call me when you get a chance. I need to confess something to you. It's not bad, I promise. Well, not in a we can't be friends kind of way, anyway. At least, I don't think. :)

Anonymous said...

I, too, hope. I, too, pray. I hope that for the first time in history America will hold their Chosen One accountable for what has been promised.

You said it perfectly.

Anonymous said...

It's over now and I'm glad we got the guy we did.

Zoeyjane said...

I cannot stop saying it - yes, we can. What a fence-jumper I am, joining in on the celebrations, being so far North.

Aunt Julie said...

A great post! And I'm hoping, praying, and thinking hard about what we all have to do to end this incessant acrimony!

Rachel said...

Beautifully said.

This is the best post I've read yet. THank you for saying it so perfectly and with such grace and class.

huge hugs and so much admiration and respect.

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

Regardless of your politics, it was a momentous and moving night, even for us Canadians. I hope there are many positive steps ahead.

ConverseMomma said...

I can't stop crying, every single time I think about my children helping me pull the lever. Yes. We have so far to go, but at least we have taken the first step, have a leader that inspired people to reclaim voices that had been silent for far too long.

Lori said...

I agree with the first comment - best election post I've read!

Flea said...

Reminds me very much of JFK, from what I know, not having been alive then. I hope Obama is a good president, for all Americans' sakes. I, for one, don't think we'll learn a whole lot from this.

Woman in a Window said...

I wrote this to someone else tonight without thinking about it but the more I think about it, I think it is the way it is. There are a lot of problems for the U.S. right now, Canada too, the world. There's the right hand, a mighty hand, with five fingers. O'bama's one finger on that hand of five. But this fix we're in, we're going to need a mighty bunch of hands to get us out of this. We're gonna need a revolution of hands. Let's all put our hand in. That's the only way.

KG said...

Poor Obama.

Let me explain. I'm an Obamamama, if you will. A voter for him. A supporter.

And yet I KNOW that he cannot possibly live up to all of the expectations both domestically and abroad. He's bound to stumble. He's only human even if he is a rock star.

And yet this morning? I woke up feeling hopeful about our country. And I'll keep hoping.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

The difference today is that now I have hope.

Anonymous said...


Great post. Sorry so short..but it really hit its point.. loved it.

Anonymous said...

So, where do you stand? Obama? McCain? I'm really interested in knowing.

Regardless. I think you have captured what a lot of people feel, regardless of which side they are on.

OHmommy said...

Seriously one of the best election posts I have read to date.

Simple. Sweet., Perfection, babe.

CC said...

Well stated.

I believe that with a lot of work from everyone involved, we can.

Anonymous said...

I agree with others... Best election post EVER!

Payton said...

Very nice post.
Nonpartisan and heartfelt.

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

It will be a day to remember even for us Canadians.

I hope the best for your country!

Anonymous said...

Wow. You called it.

It is so easy to get wrapped up in the craziness of it all.

Your post clearly points out that he has one hell of a job ahead of him.

I love what you said the other night about being behind him no matter what, supporting him. It seems a lot of people are already awaiting his downfall. And that just sucks.

Mom said...

I really do hope he can make a difference and unify this broken country but he has a huge task at hand.

Lisa said...

Beautiful and classy.

I HOPE we get where we need to go!

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