A prom queen, an old hag, a dead president.
Chewy cream-filled caramels, Tootsie Rolls, Sweet Tarts.
Foreboding music, hanging bones, a smirking pumpkin.
Running to each house. Stumbling up the steps, knocking on the door and breathlessly forcing out "Trick or treat!" Impatient, you dance side to side as your check out your stash. "Is that a penny?" you ask yourself as you spot the copper coin among the sugary treasures. "Cheap," you mutter under your breath as the door swings open.
Your smile is automatic. You have blocks of houses to get to, no time for small talk.
You run through the leaves, completely dismissing the sidewalks (good manners be gone!). House to house. Tumbling over limbs. Leaping over tombstones.
You can't stop. You must not stop. You will succeed!
Your body grows weary as the hands on the clock announce the end of the day. But you still spot porch lights in the distance. Onward you go.
Until. You can go . . . no more.
The weight of your pillowcase has forced you to slow. You peak in at the little pieces of wrapped goodness. "Will this carry me until Christmas?" you ask yourself. You know it is an improbability, but you have hope.
As the hour strikes midnight, with Salem's Lot (or is it the Exorcist?) playing in the background, the tired ghost hanging from the staircase, you sit at the kitchen table. You take your bag and empty it . . . the candy spreads across the table.
A treasure.
Mom reaches for the Heath Bars. Dad reaches for the Snickers. Their eyes sparkle as they unwrap their prizes.
You sit back and smile, hands behind your head. You prop your feet on the chair and soak in the sweet greatness that is you.
And in the wee corner of your mind you start to plan. For next year. Maybe a map? A bigger pillow case? A wagon! My three little siblings . . . my minions . . . (cue evil cackling laugh).
He has no idea what he is in for.

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
You have captured the very essence of Halloween perfectly. I love the photo of hte little guy, too! Mine are all sorts of excited about it, and yes, the oldest boy has a very detailed plan; it is his last year being able to go, so he wants to make the most of it.
Bwahahaha! And evil plan to take over the candy world!
Awwwwww! the cuteness that is tigger! And the candy that will soon be YOURS!!
cute- can I have all the Peanut Butter Cups??
Okay you've gone and done it. You've figured out picture alterations. And, that little Tigger is something to behold.
It will be magical.
I LOVE that Tigger of yours Laski.
ahhhh the memories
what a cute T-i-double guh- errrr you've got
Great reminiscences!
All I ever got was a bag of rocks.
My wife assures me that Tigger is an adorable costume. Not that I was in doubt.
Have a safe Halloween.
Cute, cute, cute picture!!
This is Halloween to me, well minus the minions, damn I knew my parents should have had more kids.....
Beautiful as always girl, you are so talented!
What a cute lil Tigger you have! :)
that's so great! love the sepia
Thanks. I'm DEAD now, from all that cuteness.
It sounds like my Halloweens - except that, of course, I would swat m parents' hands away when they reached for my stash. I'm sure they pillaged after I went to bed, though.
Funny thing is that I could just throw a sheet over my head and people would really think I'm a kid...I'm THAT short. I think you just gave me an idea!!
That IS Halloween when we were kids...you captured it PERFECTLY.
And your little one is quite simply adorable!!
So, so much fun!!!
He looks absolutely adorable.
Too FUNNY!! Love the pic too!
Just love your story, I felt like I was running there along with you from house to house! And isn't that just the sweetest thing ever(the baby, not all the candy...which is sweet too)?
Wow, you've already scrapped the Halloween page for this year BEFORE Halloween! That must be a record! : )
Excellent Halloween tale!
The best rule I've ever come up with? Last year after trick or treating, Isobel was only allowed to eat whatever candy she could get open herself. There's nothing funnier than a 15 month old, trying to chew through a mini mars wrapper.
This year, I believe the rule will be 'if you don't say thank you, no suga'.
Beautiful collage of cute shots!
What a sweet little Tigger man!
My four-year-old is starting to understand the love of candy this year - and th joy of sharing her candy with us :)
Woah, you take candy huntin' seriously! ; )
Love it!
Happy Halloween!
My "little" one was Pooh Bear a few years ago. Man, how they grow. Now, he is "Dark" Vader and such a big boy. Enjoy the Tigger years!
Great post.... took me back to the good old days....
What a cute Tigger you have!!
The candy, it was all about the candy!!! I always hated my parents getting any of it, but that doesn't stop me from getting into my kids. heh!!
Love this! It is perfect. And your little tigger is too cute. ;)
Happy Halloween to you both.
Well for the kids young and old sometimes I think this holiday is a little too much all about candy. But the costumes make it such a wonderful holiday regardless of the candy. What a cutie. :)
great post...
I hope they eat the candy before I get to it.
And you, my dear, are VERY talented.
So loved it, it was absolutely perfect!
wow, you and my husband seem to have similar halloween philosophies.
Ohhh, that brings back the memories. I just wonder when I became the mom sifting and stealing candy for herself instead of the girl with the bulging pillow case? When did this HAPPEN? ;)
Great description... that's exactly the night my kids had last night!!
cute little guy!!
OMG J is SO cute... and he's not even fighting his tigger outfit! (Mack was a lion but REFUSED to leave the head part on)
Today... Mommy is doing her best to make sure the candy DOES NOT last until Christmas... at this rate it won't last until daylight savings ends.
Lol your baby is soooo adorable!
Oh, he has a pro for a mom, I can tell! What a cutie, too. Great Halloween narrative, I can tell. We have neighbors who give out cans of pop. I love it because the kids quit twice as early with the weight of it all.
Pure perfection, my friend!
yes, you just wrote the halloween story of my childhood too. especially the pillowcase :)
"The weight of your pillowcase has forced you to slow."
Great memories of Halloween!!! THe pillowcase could NEVER be big enough could it? The modern day King Size should just about do it LOL!
Your little guy is so scrumptious!
Love, love, love the pic of baby J. He is such a cutie pie. Give him a squeeze from me!
Perfectly written. That is really how I remember it. And I'm so excited for my boys just thinking about it. ;)
hope you had a great Halloween!!!!!
Look how stinkin' cute he is!
He needs siblings to be his minions. That would make things easier for everyone. Except maybe you.
I love this, LOVE IT!
Halloween is the bestest 'holiday' of the year.
This year my elder tossed her halloween bag aside, telling me in lofty tones that she would carry a pillowcase this year.
How they grow.
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