I am in awe of my son.
He is brilliant. Of that I am certain.
Not because he can recite the alphabet or do complex mathematical equations.
Which he can't do . . . yet.
I didn’t say he was a genius or a prodigy.
He’s just brilliant.
He is not a slave to the ticking clock or the cycle of the sun and moon . . .
He simply lives each day to its fullest.
Leaves do not merely clutter the lawn and clog the gutters . . .
They are amazing creations of texture and color. In his hands they are an example of nature’s delicate balance of life and death.
Obstacles are not obstacles . . .
They are adventures waiting to happen. They are undiscovered places that invite exploration.
He has no idea what calories are . . .
He just embraces the blissful swirl of sweetness that wraps around his tongue.
To him, falling is not failure . . .
It is an opportunity to succeed. A step today, a mountain tomorrow.
With determined steps he sets out on the path set before him . . .
But he dares not ignore the opportunity on the roads less traveled.
Sadness and tears may be unavoidable . . .
But their visit only makes joy that much sweeter.

Only 15 months and you have taught me so much.
I'm in awe . . .
* * *

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
isn't the innocence of a child the most magical thing
aww - too sweet - here's to hoping they (all our children) never take the road less traveled!!
They really do teach us, don't they?
He is such a cutie!
No way he is 15 months old! No way!
he is growing so fast!
Such a cutie and that innocence is so catching!
I have learned more about life from my two little boys... I loved this post.. and the pictures are perfection to it..
This was an awesome post, and the photos could not have been more perfect! J is simply beautiful!
Never really thought of it all that way--but I loved your (HIS) perspective!
I'm not one to brag but my 15 month old was just invited to join MENSA... true story.
This is the difference between the mom of one and the mom of 3. I had to count to figure out how old my baby is, you probably still celebrate the day, every month, right, am I right?
If only we could all stay so child-like!
what we can be reminded of from our children...
I love him. That's my best friend right there!
that last picture has me in awe too!
Absolutely. That's why children are so dear to adults: they remind us how to live life to the fullest and enjoy each day!
This is a post only a mother could write - and that every father is envious of. As fathers we love our children as much as we know how to love anything. But we did not carry our children within our bodies, we did not birth them, we did not, could not, give them sustenance from our own flesh. Only a mother can do those things. And those things form a connection between mother and child that no father can experience. We can only see it - and remember it from when we were children. And envy that connection between the most important people in our lives - our wives and our children.
The truly awesome thing is that if you pay attention, you keep learning from them. I know that my 15 year old is always teaching me new ways to look at the world and everyone in it, as well.
Love this, and those pictures... ROCK!!
Okay, toots. That last shot? Perfection.
Toddlers teach us the joy of the simple things. I'm glad you're listening to him.
Thank you for sharing this! So very lovely, he is so utterly adorable.
this is such a moving tribute. i'm a little weepy now.
Such a sweet post. :) Great pictures of your little guy.
Great Post!!! You really are a writer and such a wonderful Mommy!
And... 15 Months already??
He IS brilliant. I was just remembering what I've learned a thousand times but keep forgetting in my big, dumb adult head. Brilliant!
You have described PERFECTLY the reason we are meant to have children - to appreciate the world through their eyes and the lessons they teach us daily.
Have a good weekend - Kellan
True love.
That was excellent!
I am in awe of my kids as well.
They're amazing aren't they -- I love the way they approach the world with wide eyed wonder.
I love how much you learn from your precious baby. I wish I was more like that! thanks for the inspiration! Love the pics!
Aw, happy 15 months! He is brilliant. And adorable.
I loved this post :)
Of course he is brilliant. He has T for a daddy!!!
Just kidding. He has you, too :)
My youngest is almost 16 months...such a precious age isn't it?
They are so sweet.
Your son is beautiful!
That was beautiful. I had no idea that I would learn so much from my own children. I'm grateful that I have.
Your words coupled with those sweet photos is simply brilliant.
I love, "not a slave to the ticking clock or the cycle of the sun and moon . . . He simply lives each day to its fullest." So true. If only we could remain the same as adults.
what a beautiful photostory. if we could follow their example and seize the moment as a little child does what would happen?
Beautiful photos... you learn so much from children. He is getting big so quickly!
how is it that we unlearn all that wisdom we had as children?
The ode-and the photos-are priceless! Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful snapshot of your life! BTW, I'm celebrating 150 Posts with an Award and a Pop'rs Giveaway...please come visit soon!
How did he get to be so smart?! Beautiful post.
Quite a cutie you have there!
How are you btw? I have been MIA lately:P
They do take our breath away. My son is 15 and I still have these moments.
I also love how they can see things that you would otherwise ignore. Like mine is always pointing up and telling me "airplane" when he hears one going by ... he loves it. And airplane noise is one of those things you just drown out and don't think about.
He does the same thing with balloons. I was just driving by a sign on my way home and hadn't even noticed it and he's in the back seat screaming, "BALLOON!" because he wanted to share his discovery with me.
his face, it kills me!
And *I* am in awe of *you* my friend.
It's so special watching baby J grow up. thanks for sharing a bit of him, with us.
You have every reason to be awed by such a boy. :) He's adorable, too.
What a nice post, he is such a sweetie, and I love that he teaches you I think some of us forget that sometimes
We could all learn so much from little people with angelic faces like that!
I love those photos, how they blur out at the edge, they are like memory.
I miss those smaller times. So raw, so authentic.
He is truly lovely.
♥ He is so cute! :)
And you will continue to be in awe for many years to come.
"Leaves do not merely clutter the lawn and clog the gutters . . . They are amazing creations of texture and color. In his hands they are an example of nature’s delicate balance of life and death."
They are smarter than us, aren't they?
It never gets old watching them discover the world, does it?
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