Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Hitting the Road

He's all about wheels . . .

*I'm in the market for a new camera. Any advice for an amateur on a budget who wants to take pictures like a pro?


Kellan said...

Adorable pictures!!!

I have a Canon XTI - a bit $$, but I saw and used my sisters point and shoot Canon, this past weekend and loved it. It took fabulous pictures and had many great options and a large screen - it seemed like a great camera. I don't think it is really inexpensive, but reasonable. Good luck - I'm still trying to learn my camera - not getting too far - still using my daughters' small digital, most of the time.

Take care - Kellan

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I love my Canon Rebel.

I like the way you arranged the photos--and again with the cute subject!

Kristen said...

Such cute pics of your little J.

He sure looks like he is growing up fast!

I just got a Nikon D40 which I love love love! Check out my recent post to see the pictures. The camera does the best job showing the kids real color. I love it!

Zoeyjane said...

i've got nothing for the camera suggestion, but i sure to LOVE the pictures!

Amila Salgado said...

Since you've used the word budget, Panasonic FZ18. I am hoping to get a Canon XTi or XSi soon. Happy WW!

Kristi said...

Very cute collection. I like this design.

Life As I Know It said...

What a great collage!
He is a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Canon Rebel XTi with the kit lens, is a great starter, then you can just add lenses whenever possible. You can find great deals out there!

P.S. Great collection for today's WW! My babe is all about wheels, too. Playdate?

Anonymous said...

Very cute. How did you do the collage? Did you use Picasa?

My camera is inexpensive and not terribly amazing, but it's a Fuji point & shoot - I had a few Canons that did not last long (but they were also relatively inexpensive point & shoots).

Anonymous said...

Like the story you are telling with the photos. Wonderfully done.

Happy WW!

The Bimbo said...

He's so adorable!!! huggableeee

I miss doing my handicraft so today's WW will be about that.

Here it is!

Rachel Holloway said...

Am following this post closely! Hoping people give you good camera referrals so I can get some ideas for a good point and shoot! :)

Momo Fali said...

I hate my camera, so I have no advice! Sorry!

Pregnantly Plump said...

what a fun collage! Very cool!

Kori said...

I have a Canon Sure Shot, and I love it; the photos are sharp and it is SO easy! Love your photos!

Wendi said...

Love the collage!
It says everything.
No words required.

You are already taking great photos.
I love a Canon.
the SLR or the Power Shot.
Depending on what you are looking for.

Marmarbug said...

Those are great shots. What a cutie. And I know very little about cameras!!!

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

So sweet! Love his little toesies.
I have a Canon XTI as well, which are really coming down in price. But for a couple hundred you can pick up a high end Canon point and shoot that takes amazing photos. I highly recommend getting image stabilization.

Mom said...

What great photos!

I have a Nikon and I LOVE it!

Lori said...

great pics. love the photo arrangement

Wineplz said...

I've got a Canon SD850 IS and it works REALLY well for me. Easy to take pics, fairly quick for a digital camera (less pause than previous models I've had), and it takes movies. :D I think it's a bit pricey, but not as pricey as Justin's Mr. Canon (I think he has this one). I freely admit that I can barely use Justin's camera...but that's mostly because I have never been able to spend some quality time with it...or it's owner's manual. :)

Anonymous said...

I have a Canon XSI, which I LOVE, but it is pretty pricey. Our point and shoot is a sony cybershot, which takes great pictures, but is not compatible with anything so I would stay away from it. That was a hard lesson.

just jamie said...

Oh no, baby J, stop growing up so quickly!

Anonymous said...

I have a Canon XTI & sadly cannot take pictures as well as the ones you just posted.

Anonymous said...

I can't.. he is just too CUTE! Good luck on your camera hunt.. I won't recommend mine..but I will say look at the Nikons.. that is what I wish I had!! :)

Karen MEG said...

Great shots; I'm pretty bad at the photography thing, so I'm not one to ask. I use a Canon SD200 but don't know a quarter of what it can do!

Lisa said...

What a doll you have!

I am coveting a new camera too....really, really bad. I keep hearing about the Nikon D40 & gave it a try today at Target....Let me know what you learn!

Unknown said...

cute cute cute.

I dream of having a digital SLR, but until then my Canon point and shoot gets the job done. I think I paid $150 or so for it.

Burgh Baby said...

The Canon XTI is TOTALLY worth the bucks. If you haunt Amazon long enough, you'll find a deal on it.

Cute photos!

Mrs.B said...

A Nikon D40X is great. Hubby got one for me for Christmas and I love it!

Precious pics of J! How old is he now? 9, 10 months??? He is a cutie! He and Caroline need to meet!

Pam said...

You never forget your first set of wheels!

Jennifer said...


what a handsome little man!! he is just too cute!!

I love the way you have these pics set up... great collage!!

I have a Cannon... hold on i need to look at it... duh...

Cannon SD630 Digital Elph

It is the second Cannon I have owned, the other one last me almost 5 yrs and is still going... just a little slow and bulky. this one is the bomb!! I would like a fancier aka more expensive camera, but this one is only 2 yrs old, so I'm tryin to get at least one more year from it.
It is 6 mega pixels it zooms in
12x it does video for how ever long your card will hold, it has B&W, sepia, color accent and many more... you can change the pic after you take it too.

it also has many video settings... fast, color accent, and more...

it has diff. features for pictures... continuous shot, where it rapidily takes pictures over and over... some times really fast and some times not fast at all, but I still love this feature.

it has different settings as far as indoor, outdoor, snow, fireworks, night time, kids & pets... which is what i mostly keep mine on... it captures every. shot... even when they are moving all around.

it has a million other features i'm forgetting... so you should check it out online.

I love it. :)


Lori said...

gorgeous WW!!

I use the Kodak EasyshareZ240 and love it!

Kat said...

Such a boy! :)
I LOVE the collage!

My camera is a piece of crap. I want a new one.

KG said...

The Canon Rebel I hear is the bomb . . . and I, too, desperately want a good camera that I don't need lessons to know how to operate!

Anonymous said...

cute pics..
we got a canon and very happy with it. i got my camera here and it was about $40 cheaper than target. good luck!

Unknown said...

Love your collage!

I have a Canon S5 IS and I have been quite happy with it, for the money! Good luck with choosing one!

Misty said...

I spent $200.00 on a Kodak camera. That's what I take all my photos with. I'm looking to upgrade, but it'll be a few months before that happens.

Misty said...

CUTE kid, by the way. (wink)


Family Adventure said...

It sounds like a consensus for the Canon. The pictures on your post are GORGEOUS. Curious - why do you need a new camera?


Karen MEG said...

Tagged only if you wanna play!

krissy said...

Seriously, could that kid get any more cute? Impossible.

Danielle said...

very cute@ I have a Canon EOS and I love it! Happy picture taking.

Stephanie said...

Awww! Look at him go! They learn so fast.

I have a Canon Rebel XTI. It's a bit pricey but definitely worth it!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!!

Angela DeRossett said...

Love these pics!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the pics and they way you laid them out. Very nice. We will be having a cute baby photo contest soon. I hope you'll enter. :)

Momisodes said...

So adorable! I love this collage. So creative :)

I wish I had some advice to share on camera's. I have a tiny canon elph. I do not recommend it.

Lindsey said...

I love him. May I have him??? Just kidding. We totally have to "fix" him and HJ up one day.

I use a Nikon D60 and it is worth EVERY PENNY!

Amy said...

Love these pictures! Look at him scooting along, boy you are in trouble!

Tara R. said...

Look at him go! Awesome photos.

MommyTime said...

I love my sony 200A (d-SLR camera, if that's what you're thinking). The best feature about it is that it pre-focuses in whatever direction you point it, so that the focus time is even shorter -- great for taking shots of kids! Email me if you want to talk more about it.

Our Crooked Tree said...

What great images; and so well put together!

CC said...

We're all about wheels here too. I think one of my son's first word was "vehicle" (because, um, what kind of Speech Pathologist mommy would I be if I didn't teach him category names from the get-go!)

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Photo of the Week
Two Peas
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