Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wordless (except for the small print) Wednesday

A mixed bag . . .

They were only a few feet from us. I'm sure if they
were any closer J would have tried to eat them.

Bubble love. (You can't see the oatmeal/apple/banana concoction
smeared on his shirt. Bubbles were the priority over cleanliness.)

Finger painting with FOOD. Finally, a way to use those green beans.
Hub's comment, "Great, let's take him out back
and hose him down." Nice, Dad.

A picture of me naked. Totally hot, I know this.


Joeprah said...

Who's that hotty in the last pic? ;D I love babies covered in food, it's their natural state.

chicklet said...

That naked shot is hilarious.

Kristen said...

That is just about the funniest thing I have read in a long time! The naked picture rocks!!!

J is too cute, and yes, bubble time is WAY more important than cleanliness.

Glad to see you are having so much fun with you little man!

Zoeyjane said...

i keep clicking on the naked shot and i even tried an imaging program to lighten it and i just CANNOT see anything! except for that adorable baby, that is.

Crystal said...

Your last photo made me laugh out loud and I was trying to be quiet and not wake the family!!

Thanks for stopping by. And not to say the same thing but yes.. to say the same thing I guess... I love your header!

Definitely adding you to my reader! Hope you don't mind.

Hey it's Amy Benson said...

Haha good one!

Cecily R said...

That nekked shot is AWESOME. And your kid? Adorable as usual.

Pam said...

awesome - as always!

Unknown said...

Are those baby geese in the first pic?? I've never seen one before I I hail from LAND of the geese, lol.

The last shot rocks...leaving something for the imagination!

Anonymous said...

Don't make me lighten up that picture to see if you are really naked, yo!

Jennifer said...

I. JUST. LOVE. YOUR. SON!!!!!!!!!!

really!! can he get any cuter??? I just love love love how adorable he is!!
I love the bubble pic... and the finger painting with food pic. And, i think most dads think alike... my hubby would have wanted to go hose the kids down. lol :)

and that last photo... so risky of you!! :) made me LOL. love it.


KG said...

Dude - that nekked picture? It isn't hot. It's hawt.

Danielle said...

We have ducks in my mom's backyard and E claps her hands when she see them. The pics are adorbale. Love the bubbles. My husband is a clean freak and flips if I even get baby food on Eliza's chin. I think we will have to go a little crazy when he is at work!

MattM3 said...

Funny! If I adjust the contrast just so...

As Cape Cod Turns said...

How brave of you to put on a nakey picture of yourself and not cutey J!

By the way, I think I love that hot 80's boy that you named J after. :)

Marmarbug said...

J is so cute! i love the covered in food picture!!
And man you are so friggin hot!!!!

Family Adventure said...

The pictures are super cute, especially the ones of J, of course. But the last one? That one is plain hilarious :)


Rachel Holloway said...

Oooooh....I can TOTALLY see how J will LOOOOOOVE the pudding art! :)

And your naked shot it funny... :) Very creative!

MommyTime said...

Love these photos. While the geese are adorable, I admire the creativity of the last one the most! :)

Wendi said...

Your nekkid photo?
Totally hot!!!
Now we know too.
The photos of baby J?
Totally adorable!!!
We already knew that.

Kat said...

You are a tricky chic!

Those baby shots (Little J and the geese) are adorable!

Lindsey said...

Baby J is such a cutie pie. I just want to give him a squeeze:)

Laski, you are HAWT!

abie said...

great shots...i specially love the 2nd & 3rd picture...he is so adorable.

mine is up. hope you can drop by:

Roller Coaster
View from Victoria Peak

Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

You are a RIOT. The naked shot made me giggle LOUDLY!

Anonymous said...

Bubbles are the best....guaranteed entertainment for years. Someone will try to alter that photo that last photo just to see how hawt you really are....!

Momisodes said...

ROFL at the naked shot! You're too clever ;)

Finger painting with food is awesome too!

Kellan said...

Naked - HA! Great pictures. Have a good WW - see you - Kellan

Anonymous said...

Hehe--that naked shot is awesome.

What cute little ducks! And cute little boy! So sweet :)

Happy WW!

the mama bird diaries said...

Love the naked shot. Hilarious.

Mom said...

Oh I love the highchair food smeared all over shot every parent should have one of these!

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

HA! You crack me up... I am going to try that for my husband..

Honey I have a naked picture of me...

He will not find it as amusing as I will though :-)

Jules said...

OMG it's been a while. I finally found you again.

Love the naked shot. You and I look alike for some strange reason. Hmmm......

J is too cute. I just want to pick him up and give him big kisses and hugs. But since I can't, do it for me, will you?

Unknown said...

PMSL at the last photo!

Cynthia said...

Cute baby shots!

Life As I Know It said...

I love the bubble picture!

Tara R. said...

Be careful with geese, they are mean dang birds. If you had been any closer, they may have tried to eat J.

Unknown said...

Lord, are you so skinny that I cannot even see you in that picture???

Love the "finger painting!"

huddtoo said...

Love the bubble pic. How sweet! Great shot too.

I totally laughed out loud at the naked pic. You are too funny! ROFL


Chrissy said...

So it. And that is one cutie pie you have there. Looks like you two have alot of fun!

Karen said...

The naked picture cracks me up! And you know you'll get all sorts of freaks to your blog now because of that word.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

Cute as always!

Burgh Baby said...

You are SO HAWT in the dark! Yummy! Heh.

I like to finger paint with baby food green beans, too. I pretty much think that's the only thing they are good for.

(Congrats to your Wings!)

Misty said...

Stunning.... ALL 3 pictures are. (wink)

PS: I love baby ducks.

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

Such a tease!
Bubbles and babies are way too fun, so cute.

Melissa said...

love those baby pics!

Angela DeRossett said...

Love the pictures..and, um, you are so crazy.:)

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Yep, you ARE hot indeed. It's official.

And he is SO STINKING CUTE with that face I just wanna smooch him!

LunaNik said...

The pic of you neekid is CLASSIC.


KATE said...

Love the baby pics! Baby J is adorable!!!

And YES you are HOT!! Great Naked Picture! Woo Hoo!

Anonymous said...

I was a little nervous when you told me about going all naked on your blog. Phew!

J is a doll. Way too cute.

Amy said...

I love the bubble shot - so precious! Wow - you are HAWT!

LiteralDan said...

See, the good thing about bubble time after eating time is that the soapy bubbles can get a head start on cleanup.

You're a genius and you didn't know it!

Karen MEG said...

A nekked pic? I'm wordless ;)

JK said...

Nice bubble time and it's so good to go outdoor!

Pregnantly Plump said...

What fun pics!! He's so cute, especially with the bubbles!

Martin said...

I love ducks and geese!

Wineplz said...

love the bubbles pic...and that last one is hysterical.

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Two Peas
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