Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I can't believe the awesome generosity of so many bloggers. From diapers and kiddie clothes to gift cards and blog redesigns. I am continually amazed by how cool it is that bloggers love to pass the love around. I know a lot of them want more traffic--but how cool is that? They want to meet new people and have some fun! Love, love the bogiverse!

Check out these cool giveaways . . . (more will be added, so check back!)

New Mommy Rant--A fabulous basket filled with Munchkin products!!!

$25 Barnes and Noble gift card!

Sarcastic Mom is giving away a Young Punks t-shirt!

Nap Warden is giving away a free blog design! (yup, I am proud to say that I was one of her earlier customers).

FlipFlop Mama is giving away all natural lotion or tea!

Laura Williams, a savvy homeschooling mom of seven, is giving away Child of Wonder, which is about nurturing your child's creative side.

Colleen at Wine Please is giving away some lovely jewelry!

Nissa is giving away some lovely hair accessories!

Oh, and want some more. Go to Bloggy Giveaways! There are TOO many to list so I am promoting (or trying to) the contests of my bloggy buddies! (If I missed yours, please let me know.) So please, check 'em out!


Marmarbug said...

OMG! I LOVE Barnes and Nobles. One of the few places I could get lost in all day long!

JK said...

Thank you for that link. Will check it out :)

Cynthia said...

Hey, thanks for the shout out!

Pam said...

bloggy giveaways rock!

MarĂ­a said...

I'm too cheap to give out free stuff. LOL

Wineplz said...

Hey there! Got mine posted! Thanks for the heads-up about this!

Angie @ KEEP BELIEVING said...

Thanks! Great way to find new blogs, too. Not that my google reader can HANDLE anymore!


Nissa said...

Giveaways rock! Too bad it takes so much time to enter them all! :) Cuts into my normal blogging! I'm blaming that on not visiting in a couple days (okay, it was really Neopets, but you know that's embarrasing to admit!)


Oh, I'll be posting my giveaway later, if you wanna give me a shout out! ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention!!

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