Thursday, February 5, 2009

Just a little . . .

R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Please.

Apparently, I am a mommy blogger.

A blogger.

NOT, necessarily, a writer.

Really? I'm not?

I have always hesitated to use that word to describe myself. Writer. I have a degree in English. Does that make me a writer? I've been paid to write (not much, but more than a few dollars). Does that make me a writer? My 5th grade teacher said I was "Awesome" and gave me lots of gold stars. Does that make me a writer?

I write, but does that make me a writer?

I write about my past, the histories that have become threaded into the frayed fabric that is my life.

I write about this whole mom gig. I'm not sure if anyone ever picks up on my fears, but they are there, preening beneath my words.

I write about silly things, like my desperate attempt to yank a toy out of its plastic prison or about having a rather intense competitive spirit.

Sometimes, I write through tears. Wiping them away while I forge ahead with an idea, a hope, a dream.

Sometimes, I write through laughter. Gagging on my Lucky Charms as I shake my head and pound the keyboard in a fit of hilarity (trust me, you own the laughter more than I do).

I don't know.

Maybe I am a writer.

There are some that will disagree. There are some that will say that I am nothing but a talentless hack. A wanna-be. A bored mom desperate to fill nap times. A lonely (young--yes, let's say YOUNG, shall we?) woman with nothing better to do.

Fine. Say it. Believe it. Maybe I am it.

But I'll be damned if I'll let someone else tell me I'm NOT a writer. That as a blogger I am "less than."

The blog is the vehicle by which we share our lives, our stories and ourselves. We do it with words. Words that pound the virtual page with conviction. With emotion. With power. Unlike the dusty journals that sit at our nightstand or the memoir that we are building one document at a time, the blog is our testament. To a life lived and a life shared.

A writer need not have a fancy degree. A writer does not need to bend the phrase like Shakespeare or Hemingway. A writer does not need to brandish the title like an ill-crafted weapon. A writer does not ever feel the need to tell someone else that they are NOT a writer.

A true writer writes with passion, celebrating the words and relishing in the story. A true writer embraces community and encourages expression. From profound revelations and satirical observations to heartfelt anecdotes to stunning images of unspoken words . . . a true writer . . . just writes. With zeal. With honesty. With humor. With hope . . .

Yes. YOU are a writer. Claim it. And don't let anyone tell you any different.

The mother, with tear-stained cheeks and trembling fingers, writes about losing her child. She reaches out and we reach for her. Holding her up and drying her tears.

The father, with awe and humor, shares the stories of his young son as he catches glimpses of the man he will one day become.

The young woman who is reborn within the words that she scatters along the page--reclaiming her independence, her youth, her life from an unkind history.

The new mom who courageously raises her baby boy while trudging through classes and hoping for her husband's safe return from overseas writes of her life with an edgy wit as profound depth ripples just beneath the surface.

We are out there. Don't be distracted by our cute headers. The photos of our babies. The silly stories we tell. There is a hell of a lot more to us. Just read . . . if you dare.

We are out there. We are writing. And we are getting really, really good.

And the only thing we ask . . . just give us a little respect.

Because you can never truly know the power of the blog . . . of the power of the writer who writes it.

* * *

Please visit Don Mills Diva for more inspiring Write on! Respect the blog posts.


Mr Lady said...


We are getting really REALLY good.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I too Respect the Blog.

flutter said...

take care TCB! sock it to me sock it to me

Sass said...

That's excellent. Respect the blog.

Anonymous said...

Not only are you a writer, but seriously, you are a damn good writer. I've left here incredibly touched and just in awe more than once. You've got it, and then some.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I love this movement.
YOU are a doubt about it. I'm hesitant to call myself a writer, I feel like more of a wanna-be! But you?? Are amazing.

Mozi Esme said...

Write on! YOU are definitely a writer... :)

Aracely said...

You my friend are definitely a writer... I'm just some goon that likes silly pictures.

Anonymous said...

No matter what anyone else says, you are a writer if you believe you a writer. Where you write, what you write doesn't matter, because if you believe, you are.

Debbie said...

I came over from Three Boys because I loved your comment on her post about Phelps.
Now I'm hooked. I would say you are an excellent writer and I can't wait to read more.

Stephanie said...

Just because we blog does not mean we don't "write".

Definitely - Respect the blog!

Anonymous said...

Very well said! I think it's up to the individual to define themselves, otherwise we allow others to decide who we are... Bravo, lady ;) said...

Write On, girl.

ConverseMomma said...

I am glad you are claiming it here!

ConverseMomma said...

I am glad you are claiming it here!

Michelle said...

BRAVO!!! Well said. WRITE ON!
::standing ovation::

Unknown said...

Yes, you are truly a WRITER.

KG said...

Well ... YOU might be a writer.

I, on the other hand, am a ... I don't know what I am. A physical manifestation of the word, "Hawtness," perhaps?

Yes, that's right. I am the Hawtness.


tiarastantrums said...

fantastic - and this would be a great introduction at Blogher!! Just saying!

crazymumma said...

a to the freaking men.

Don Mills Diva said...

I defy anyone to read this beautifully crafted post and not KNOW you are a writer!

Kori said...

Amen! I AM a writer; where else but a blog can you write what you might write in that dusty journal and have feedback from people who are there, have been there-wherever "there" may be?

painted maypole said...

sing it, sister!

Anonymous said...

You said it lady! Perfectly.

Unknown said...


April said...

You're an awesome writer. That's exactly why I respect you.

amanda said...

whoo hooo!!

yay for you!!

Anonymous said...

You go girl!
Yes, we are all writers. Some are just a WHOLE HELL OF A LOT better that others.
You? Rock! As a writer, blogger, whatever. I just love to read your blog!

Anonymous said...

Yes, my friend, YOU are a writer! As are so many bloggers out there. The world would have missed out on a wonderful opportunity to see such wisdom and wit had it not invented the blogosphere.

Lindsey said...

Oh honey, I've been telling are a phenomenal writer!!!

Anonymous said...

You know I think you can write - very well. And, I loveses you. I'm so glad that post is garnering so much attention.

Zoeyjane said...

Now that was a call to arms.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

A-men to that sister.

Tara R. said...

I second that! Amen sista friend!

Karen said...

Write on, girl! Write on!

Woman in a Window said...

I wrote this somewhere else 'cause this anger at the shaking fist of journalists is taking fire in the blogging world, that it is funny to me to see acknowledged writers with their panites in their fist 'cause they're not so special afterall. Don't they know, if they keep twisting those pantaloons they're gonna end up with one helluva wedgie!

justmylife said...

I think bloggers deserve respect, we write, clean, wash, raise children, tend to babies, tend to husbands and all those annoying things we have to do on a daily basis and still find the time to entertain and touch the hearts of others.

Some of us are hacks (like me) and some of us are great (like you) but all writers still the same. Some blogs I have read are better than those best selling novels.

RJTrue said...

You are an f-ing amazing writer.

the mama bird diaries said...

Respect the blog indeed. Awesome post.

Ms. Maxwell said...

Mr. Lady sent me because she said this post about made her cry. Me too. And to me, blogs are a way of life. Writing is as writing does. Really.

Unknown said...

Well, after that I'm gonna go ahead and say that you are most certainly a writer. Not that there was ever a doubt in my mind in the first place.


CC said...

Oh yeah. Respect us or die. Bwhahaha!

Lori said...

Oh, YOU are definitely a writer...your posts are inspiring!

Gina said...

Awesome! What a wonderfully awesome post. Yes, we are getting really, really good!

OHmommy said...

Oh gosh, sorry I am so late. I have so much going on. Just know that blogging is writing and it is good and you are good, no... great. I think we are teaching our kids a lot. I really do.

Momisodes said...

Gave me chills just reading this.

You are indeed a writer.

I'm loving this movement.

Cynthia said... are a writer.
You are to writing, what I am to design...Rock On!

Mom said...

Amen Sista and I think you are GREAT writer!

Angela Nazworth said...


Joanne@ Blessed... said...

Blogs are getting more respect than we think. Now publishers are wanting to know technorati stats when submitting book proposals.

Whether they respect us or not, our readers do!

I attended a blog class given by BooMama and Rocks In My Dryer...they said that only a good writer will continue to grow and have a following.

I share with my blog friends that if you swim you are a swimmer, if you jog you are a jogger...I write, therefore I am a writer!

Great post.

Angie @ KEEP BELIEVING said...

It's like saying Rachael Ray is not a chef because she didn't go to culinary school. She cooks, she creates, she has talent. (even though I am tiring of her) Still, you get the idea...


Kat said...

I think that anyone who can write something that moves people, interests people, or that people can relate to is a writer.
Clearly all bloggers are writers.
Respect the Blog!!!
I'm stealing your badge. :)

MommyTime said...

I think that this is the most powerful and beautiful Respect the Blog post I've read. Thank you.

Kaytabug said...

This is brilliant!!

I'll try to be less hard on my self. We are our own worst critic, and I do not consider myself a writer. This almost changes my mind. ;)

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