Friday, February 27, 2009

PSF: On some days . . .

On some days, I have no idea how blessed I am . . .

Early in the morning I hear this tiny little voice, suggestions of words. It beckons me.

I pick him up and cradle him in my arms. "You know one day he'll be too big for this?"

Yes. I know.

We head downstairs where I find our spot on the well-worn couch. He rolls out of my arms onto the cushion while I gather up the quilt and bring it over to the couch. He scrambles for my lap and tucks his head under my chin as I pull up the quilt, creating the perfect cocoon.

We stay that way for close to an hour. Just cuddling.

"You know he won't always cuddle with you, right?"

Yes. I know.

I grab a perfectly ripened banana and begin pulling at the peel. I hear the little patter of feet come behind me and feel him wrap his arms around my legs. He starts to sing, "Lado lado lado." I have no idea what this song is, but he sings with such gusto that I can't help but clap and cheer for each note that passes from his lips. He grins and nods his head, his body shakes in excitement. I can't even fathom the simple joy this boy feels. His hand stretches out for the banana. "Nanananana." I screech. That was definitely a word. I heard it. HE SAID BANANA! I scoop him up and spin around. He throws his head back as he rubs his banana-sticky fingers in my hair. My heaven.

"One day he won't need the cheering section anymore."

Yes. I know.

I busy myself in the kitchen as the afternoon approaches. Loading the dishwasher, folding laundry, cleaning off counter tops. It amazes me that one mother and her child can destroy a house like we do. But every afternoon it looks the same. Sweet chaos.

A small truck races across the floor. WOOSH! Followed by its "driver," the little car skids to stop a few inches from my feet.

He runs over. Grabbing my legs he looks up at me. Those eyes. Blue. Innocent. Perfect. Those eyes that love me . . .

"He won't always look at you that way, you know?"

Yes, I know.

I drop the towel in the sink. I forget about the laundry. The dishes. The messy counter.

I turn around and I chase my son. His laughter filling the air . . .

My heaven.

* * *

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


Mozi Esme said...

That little tiny voice is a lifesaver...

Aracely said...

That is so sweet Lasikgal, my baby says nanana too, and papo, that's apple... that's the bulk of his vocabulary and the bulk of my kids menu ;-)

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Sometimes I sound like a broken record, but I love you because you take me right back--just like it was yesterday.

OHmommy said...


That is so very sweet!

ConverseMomma said...

He will always need you, maybe not in the throw his arms around your legs sort of way, but still. He will always need a part of you, you, who will always give it willingly.

Cecily R said...

Beautiful, sweet words.

He will always need your cheering section...even when he thinks he doesn't.

And guess what? Isaac and I may not cuddle anymore, but he still hugs me when his friends aren't around. :)

Working Mum said...

How lovely. A heart warming post.

Sage Ravenwood said...

No not always, yet we hold on the memories of those moments when they did ever so fiercely. Sweet post dear friend. Everything else will always be there, they're only little for so long. (Hugs)Indigo

Halftime Lessons said...

Look at those well written ma'am, I loved this.
Jay said...

Well fack. I didn't need to cry this morning...

I'm glad you are grabbing what's in front of you while it's there. That said, I am off to chase my kids.

Cathy - wheresmydamnanswer said...

Nothing else matters but him..
Very sweet..

Kristen said...

That was perfect. The perfect reminder for why things can wait!

Because as high school teacher we both know it won't always be this way.

Thanks again for the reminder that I too need to hold on....

:) Happy weekend friend!

imbeingheldhostage said...

gorgeous post. I love the days when it clicks-- less regrets for later.

I don't know how you gat anything done with those eyes looking up at you ;-)

Lori said...

Oh, he'll always need his momma as his cheering section! :-)

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

I don't like to think about the days when he won't do all those little guy who is growing so fast.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful reminder that time does fly. Written perfectly. Thank you for this!

Anonymous said...

Those eyes! I'd leave the dishes and counter top, too!

I tell myself the same things, each and every time I get up at 3am to rock him back to sleep. I'm not bothered...because in 5 years he won't let me do it. I'll take advantage now.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

Your love for him just flows right off of the page.
He is a lucky boy.

flutter said...

oof, my heart.

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

So well written.... expressing our mother love and desire to enjoy every minute of their lives before they start to push us away.
He is a doll!

Karen said...

Has anyone ever told you that you're the best mom ever?

Quarantine Hobby said...

oh, Laski! What a beautiful post.

Woman in a Window said...

There is such a sweet and simple beauty here, the slow cadence of the every day motions. I love this. It makes me ache.

Pregnantly Plump said...

He's gotten so big! Looks like such a sweet a little boy. Very sweet post.

Unknown said...

The only 'bad' thing about being the 'Dad' is that there is never, ever the same connection between a father and child as there is between Mother and Child. We can never get quite as close, never feel quite as connected. It saddens us, as 'Dads', to have to watch such beauty from a distance - but gladdens us that it is there.

Unknown said...

very sweet...but I don't think it all changes forever...well, except the part of him fitting on your lap. :)

KG said...

Awww ... shucks. *sniff* Why do they have to keep GROWING? It's fun but unspeakably sad at the same time.

PS - Mine says "banah" ...

Cynthia said...

I love the mornings:)

Mom said...

I am having one of those days today thanks to a snow day!

Karen MEG said...

You know, I get the feeling that even though these particular moments don't last forever, you'll still get the loving looks, the cuddles, from your boy...they might just be in a different form, perhaps not quite intense, but you're the type of Mommy who will ALWAYS warrant a snuggle.

tommie said...

Little boys always need their mammas!

CC said...

I love that you are his cheering section!!

Beth said...

I pull my 6' 2" fifteen year old son into my lap now and then. He laughs. It IS a riot when I try that.

My throat tightens sometimes when I look at him now. Like it did yesterday. Last night, I said to my hubby that "I wanted him to be 2 feet and me 25 again..."

the mama bird diaries said...

So beautiful.

painted maypole said...


a perfect day

so glad you're enjoying it

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

You totally nailed this Laski and my heart couldn't agree more!

Zoeyjane said...

I kind of wish I knew what that bittersweetness was like. When she was small enough for it to be heart-crushing, she wasn't that enamoured with me - now that she wants more attention and loving, I'm out of practise and have to school myself on how to release it.

Anonymous said...

How did I miss this? Damn, those eyes of his!

Anonymous said...

Are you really back or are you just sorta back?

Hurry up!

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