the Swedish Fish people, that is. Maybe one day I'll go to my mailbox and find a bag of those sweet little treats of sugary goodness. One day . . .
I'm swamped. I really am. I finished all the articles due for my new writing gig in record time. I had nearly a week of late nights (or would you call staying up past 2 am early mornings?), but I met the deliverable deadline.
I have more work to do. So much so that I should NOT be writing this post. I should be focused on my paying gig (I've gotta save for J's big day--his FIRST birthday. OMG. I'm starting to hyperventilate. Breeeeeaaaatttthhh.).
However, I miss this. I miss just writing. Just sharing stories without an ounce of expectation or obligation. I miss visiting your blogs, reading about your adventures, what your kids are up to, what crazy antics your neighbors are pulling. I miss the pictures. I miss the laughing out loud. I miss shaking my head and saying, "I so get that!"
I'll be back soon . . . until then, I'm forgoing sharing my own stories for awhile so that the time that I do have for the blog world can be spent catching up with you. Gosh, I'm so sweet . . .
Oh, my little man. When will you grow some hair?Yeah. So what. Go ahead and comment about the socks. I dare ya . . .
Monday, July 21, 2008
They never called . . .
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Hang in there; working from home, with a baby, plurk, twitter, blog ... almost impossible to keep up with at the best of times.
We know you'll be back!
I just put the store in a hiatus for a few weeks because life is coming at me a little too fast. I know exactly what you're talking about.
It's okay to take breaks. Keep me posted on the job situation. And, don't worry about hair. Mine had almost none until about 17 months.
You make it through and we'll be waiting for you!
Have missed you and forgot you were working for a living. So great that you can do that from home!
Paid writing gig. Sigh.
How about some salt water taffy? I'll be down the shore...share the address and you could be enjoying some TRUE taffy!!
Neither of my kids had hair for the LONGEST time!
Good luck!!! Hang in there...I miss reading your stuff, but I will take what I can! :)
The swedish fish people probably never called you because I was calling THEM-- I just bought WAAAAAYY to big a bag for our trip home and I noticed a line on their bag--to be eaten with a healthy diet...along those lines. I about died laughing! Had to call to see if that was REAL! :) JK!
Now, has only been 3 days, give them a chance!!!
And could your baby slow down his growin'--he's making us all older. LOL
I know what you mean - I'm so tired of my real life interfering with my virtual one!
We'll miss you while you're off doing your fancy new writing job. Anything for those little bald bundles of goodness, huh? ;)
I know whatcha' mean ... about missing blog friends AND Swedish fish.
ok we understand the paid gig and your son have to come first. Just drop a not every once in a blue moon while you are in the adjustment phase
Happy Birthday to your little one!!
Take your time but know you are missed!
don't worry about us- blogging will always be here, but you have to take care of real life first!
See you soon!
I know how you can only do so much. I just got back from a week and a half vacation and didn't go near work or the computer and I missed everyone online but I am totally overwhelmed with everything now....I'll slowly make my way back.
Hang in there, you're doing just fine!!!
I feel your hair pain! Little Elvis is starting to get some longish wisps, but I think he'll be well over 2 before we even think of getting a haircut.
When do we find out more about this writing gig of yours?
The one year bday is coming up. Scary, isn't it?
Wow, a paying gig...good for you!
I hope you are kicking butt and getting tons done!
Didn't know you were rolling in the moolah....what are you writing??? Do tell!
Hope things start to slow down a bit for you!
Glad you are managing to get your work done, but we do miss you around here! Can't wait to hear all about it. Cute picture of your little lovey by the way.
Take care.
Good luck with the writing. We'll wait for you! :)
Socks are the new barefoot.
Hang in there girl. Meetcha at drink-thirty?
He still is just so cute! Even with just socks! :)
Hang in there, and finish your paying stuff first. We all really can wait!
He's a little darling! Alexis has a birthday this weekend and I have not done a thing yet - eeeeek!
Nice to see you tonight - take care - Kellan
Keep on keeping on! Only two weeks of this, right?
I can't believe J will be a year. oops. sorry.
he'll still be your baby.
They will call.
We will be here when you get through with the important stuff.
I am with you...just breathe!
J is working those socks!
Ah....damn work taking you away from me. Damn, Damn, Damn.
If you have 3seconds to send me a picture for my challenge though I would be most grateful. You rock. I need ya!
Good luck with the work thing....damn work! *sigh*
He's gorgeous - hair or no hair!
Oh hun, you are doing the ultimate juggling act. Hang in there!
I want to hear more about this writing gig too :)
Life really does go by way to fast.. we will still be here for ya when you get back.. :)
Maybe if the SWEDISH FISH people see SWEDISH FISH enough times then they will call. Just helping you along. :)
Good luck on your writing. And who are you writing for? C'mon, spill the beans...... uh, the basket of SWEDISH FISH I mean. :)
He doesn't need hair when he's got those fanTABulous socks! BTW, don't forget the Great Pop'rs Giveaway! The more you comment, the better chance you have of winning--Check it out!
I miss you! I hope that you manage to crank out the work and get all caught up soon.
Damn those swedish fish folks!
Did they call yet? I sent them an e-mail for you!!! But you have to share if they send you anything.
Pinky swear?
I probably would not have even noticed the socks...had you not mentioned it!! ; )
He will get hair...eventually. Just think of the money you can save on hair cuts! You can use that extra haircut money on a monkey or something for his bday party. hehe
Good luck with your writing! Thanks for all the LOL's you have provided me as well!
Oh but he looks cute without hair! hurry back!
you get paid to write?
i wish.
and thanks for stopping by. you're right -- we do have a lot of mutual buds :-)
sorry you haven't heard from the SF company. :( BUt like you said maybe one of these days they will be in touch. lol A girl has got to dream. :)
I love the pic of J... can he get any cuter?? really. Hair or no hair, he is ADORABLE!!
congrats on getting your work done!! :) I couldn't imagine having a deadline... I don't do well w/ stuff like that at home... when I worked outside the house, I was good with it... on the ball and ontop of my game... now, not so much. lol
I'll be waiting here when you come back!!
Hang in there sweetie, this too shall pass!
Take your time. Prioritize. Regroup. Do it your way on your schedule. It will all be more enjoyable when you do.
Hey there! Please come on over and join our campaign to e-mail Oprah. We're trying to get Uncle Lynn and his fanTAbulous Pop'rs on the show. The Pop'r King on Oprah? I've got my fingers crossed...
Geesh, just as I find your site, you have to go and get a paying gig....figures - that seems to be my "luck" these days. Oh well - I look forward to reading more, eventually.
Oh, and just be thankful he's a he...and not a she - that makes the lack of hair thing really cute.
I feel the same way this week-- I preposted for the week and have been slaving away, missing the simple joys of my lil ol' blog.
Hang in there!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Swedish Fish! They make my day sometimes! Oh, before I forget I'll be adding you to my blogging peeps so I'll most definately be back!
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