I still remember holding you. Playing with you. Singing with you. Teaching you. Admiring you. I miss the little girl you were, that sweet little baby girl. But I admire the woman you've become. Stay tuned for a little more about RJTrue . . .
Wow! I finally made Top Momma. I forgot how long ago I did this! Please click on J's pic and keep us on . . . if I make it for more than a day, I'll be happy!
Sometimes I feel so humbled, unworthy, to be honest, of all the kindness and generosity you all show. From supportive words when I decided to leave my job and stay home with J to the wonderful comments about my little guy, I am so eternally grateful for this community. So, enough of the mushy stuff. Let's move on to the awards!
The lovely Jamie from Choosing my Own gave me this award (that I'd been secretly coveting for some time since I used to collect puffy stickers back in the day--oh, so long ago):
I pass this onto Kami (check out her new awesome blog design), Pam (I've been reading her since I started blogging and I try to never miss a post!), Heidi (the best adventures ever!), Angie (I just *heart* her. Period.) and Rachel (a newer bloggy friend). I ADORE them and their blogs!
The super sweet and adorable Colleen (she's hosting a jewelry giveaway!) from Wine Please gave me with this wonderful award.
I pass this onto Misty, Lori, Kristen, TulipMom (she just gave birth to the beautiful TulipBaby!), and Kathyrn (it is her birthday!!!) From posting about their deepest thoughts and feelings to the happenings in every day life, it is hard not to feel connected to these fabulous women.
Sometimes I feel so humbled, unworthy, to be honest, of all the kindness and generosity you all show. From supportive words when I decided to leave my job and stay home with J to the wonderful comments about my little guy, I am so eternally grateful for this community. So, enough of the mushy stuff. Let's move on to the awards!
The lovely Jamie from Choosing my Own gave me this award (that I'd been secretly coveting for some time since I used to collect puffy stickers back in the day--oh, so long ago):

The super sweet and adorable Colleen (she's hosting a jewelry giveaway!) from Wine Please gave me with this wonderful award.

I have a couple more awards that I am so excited to have received and to give away . . . I'll get to them very soon I promise!!!
Congrats! Off to go click, click, click!
I have clicked my part - four times!! One more after this comment, then it's off to bed.
I heart you, Laski Girl. Big time. I'm feeling connected right back at you... let's keep it going.
I clicked!! :-)
I also clicked back to here.
You deserve many more awards! Congratulations!!
Congrats!!! And I hope the 10 clicks or so I just gave you keeps you up there a while!! Muah!
ohhhh puffy stickers. i loved them too. AND i had some PUFF Paint t-shirts! ahhhh, the memories. great awards too...so nice to 'meet' you. i ventured over from your nice comments on Kami's blog!
I'll give you a few clicks! I have never been on top momma. SNIFF!
That's cool though. You deserve to be up there!
Congrats! You deserve them!! I will be clicking!
WOW--an award! For me? Thanks so much--you made my day!
Will go keep you that top momma! You deserve that!
Very deserving awards!
So I totally just went off to click! I'll do it again later too! I gave up on the top mama thing after I didn't hear from them in so long.
If I click enough, will you give me a fabulous award??? LOL! :)
Congrats to you! You deserve them all. Have a great day!
You totally deserve each and every award b/c you are the BEST! Love the pic of baby J!
I clicked for you! Also, thank you so much for the award... hmmm who should I pass this one on too??
Top Momma - how cool! I clicked for ya. Shall I do it again and again!?
Great awards! Congrats on receiving them and how wonderful for you to pass them on to such awesome bloggers! : )
I clicked for you, and will try to remember to do so each day - at least once!
Congratulations on the awards, they are all well deserved! :)
just from the comments, it sounds like you got more clicks than I did in the 4 or 5 days I premiered! And you certainly deserve to be up there with the likes of Burgh Baby's Mom and Karen from the Rocking Pony. :) They're STILL up there!
Yea! So deserved on all of your awards! Congratulations!
And thank you, thank you, thank you for thinking of this little Mama of two. You are too kind!
I clicked for you last night, now time to go click away for you this morning. Keep us updated as to how long you stay. Your little J is just too cute!
Congrats to you on the first one! I don't know what it is but it looks exciting. I clickety clicked!
And thank you so much for the award! I feel so cool to get an award from you, who is so popular in the blogging world :-)
A great list of super duper bloggers. :)
Congrats on all the love. Much deserved.
Congrats on the beautiful awards! I puffy heart you, so I'm not surprised that so many others do, too!
Oh, and I'm a clicking away!
That picture is so sweet. You and your little cuddle bug deserve Top Momma. Hope you stay there awhile.
Thanks for all the links, I'm going to check these peeps out!
Oh my goodness I remember those puffy stickers and sticker books .... wow, what a blast from the past! Kudos to you on winning those awards and making Top Mama! I'm off to click on that adorable pic of little J!
And thank you so much for the award and your sweet words. The feeling is mutual!
Congratulations on the awards and on the Top Momma - very cool!!
Have a good evening - Kellan
I wanna be on Top Mama!
I clicked, I clicked!
I'm a clicker girl for you too.
Congratulations on all of the blog awards. You are truly a sweet, fun, inspirational momma. I think you were my first "stranger" person to comment on my blog. Thanks for bringing me in. :)
I'll go back and click again now 'cause you're that darn special.
I clicked for you ------- 15 times. I had a little spare time. :)
And congrats on the awards.
Oh- so you are the reason I got booted off Top Momma today! Oh well...I lasted a while, I don't mind being de-throwned for you! ;)
Thanks for the award! I love it!
Still clicking for you...you totally deserve to be on Hot Mamma! :)
Congratulations! I'll get to clicking!
I clicked! Good Luck!!!!
Congrats on all that bling! Woot!
*leaves to click*
Whoot!!! Congrats on all those awards.... so well deserved!
I'm loving your American Idol live-blogging. Bang on, you are.
And good for you on the Top momma gig as well. Clickety clicking.
Awww...thanks for thinking of me! You're awesome!
This is the first time I've seen the Top Momma award, so I will get to clicking for you! :-)
Congratulations on the well deserved awards! I'm going clicking now...
Congrats on your blog bling! Totally deserve it!!
Congrats on your awesome awards - totally deserved! :) You've been such a find for me, I love reading about your life with babe (even if it does get my ovaries aching at times).
And thanks for sharing the wealth. Much appreciated...
Have a good weekend - Heidi
Congratulations! Hope there's room on your trophy shelf! :) I clicked on the picture of your adorable cutie pie.
Congrats on your awards! And thank you so much for passing one on to me. You are so sweet!
Congrats, Laskigal and I have just clicked.
Congrats on Top Momma...I am off to click you through another day!
I'm still clicking for ya!
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