There is dried banana on the chair in the dining room.
It's crusty.
The laundry is scattered on the floor in the living room.
I didn't put it there. He did.
The dishes are reminding me of Everest, piled high in the sink, insurmountable.
I need to buy toilet paper.
We're running out . . .
I'm thinking about getting out of my pajamas. Thinking about it. Maybe I'm thinking too hard.
The floors are, well. I'm not so sure I can even discuss the floors as they are now under new management--the ubiquitous Cheerio. And the toys that have no desire to be put away.
So much undone.
But, I've blown bubbles on his belly. I've danced in the middle of a toy-strewn room with his little body tucked close to mine. I've sang songs loud and out of tune while hopping through the halls, his quick little feet and breathless laughter trailing behind me. I've ignored the "To Do List" while making tiny houses out of Cheerios, bananas and cheese. I've fallen asleep amid the chaos of all left undone . . . his head resting on my shoulder, his hand wrapped around my neck, and his banana breath on my cheek.So much . . . done.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
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Wonderful Commentary... And I can SO related to the TP Issue.
Exactly as it should be. :)
Look at that face! What a cutie! Those eyes!!! I just want to squeeze him! :)
your house isn't undone... it's lived in and loved (or so I keep telling myself)
I love it! You know what's important in life.
Honestly, I don't think I ever have done that unless I wasn't given a choice. Good for you for doing what really matters. I wish I could say I did, too.
Whatever you may or may not think about your parenting savvy, this post seals it. You know exactly, EXACTLY what you're doing. :)
Look at that face! These days pass so quickly. I never believed it when my kids were little, but it's really true. Glad you're enjoying it.
There's a little bit of freedom in those relentless early days, when you know there is just no way to do it all. I need to tap back into that, I think, and give myself permission to enjoy, to simply live, without worrying about what there is to show for it at the end of the day.
So true. The tp game was always fun. One thing I was always happy they grew out of.
So glad you can see the joy amidst the chaos with a toddler. It is definitely not a permament situation, this undone house of yours. He will only be this tiny for a short snippet. Then you'll have plenty of time to keep the floors clean... :(
Sounds just about right to me! I love that last picture!
Which just proves that you're the best mommy ever. Dishes and floors can wait, and one can even wipe with kleenex if they must. But you can never get back these baby days. Enjoy.
TOTALLY SWEET! Thanks for sharing. I love days like this!
Beautiful. You have accomplished so much today. Isn't that the best feeling? My living room looks much the same today despite the fact that I was home all day yesterday... and I'm okay with that, because I did much of the same as you.
At least you have your priorities right. And, my floors are so dirty, we're considering just replacing them :)
Sounds like you have your priorities in the right place!!! :)
I agree with others: You clearly have your priorities set.
Um, is it terribly pathetic that I teared up? Because I did. Very sweet post. Obviously it really hits home ;)
I'm out of bananas!
Isn't it awesome how we can let things go like that? N has recently discovered the TP too...Thankfully not that bad yet!
I've had to stop worrying about the mess and start enjoying the kids more. Then I spend an hour picking up toys and cleaning their messes after they're in bed. Tough balance...
You woke up in MY house this morning didn't you?!!!
Head over to my place and enter my HALLOWEEEN COSTUMES CONTEST!
At least banana breath is delicious. It's the milk breath I can't stand.
SO true! The mess will always be there. This time with him, goes so fast.
They love the TP don't they???
Ah, yes. You really have to learn how to let things go, so you can enjoy all the good stuff!
Bah, the rest? It will still be there. These are the good times, and you are such a great mom; a constant source of inspiration to me, and you know what? I am totally going to take the advice of this post tonight. So thank you, and my kids thank you.
Relax. Take it easy. And when it gets too deep - hire Merry Maids.
Children are all that matter, trust me. I know. I have (and cherish) three.
They are my universe.
lovely, and a much better "to do" list than most!
Hey girl, I've seen much, much worse, trust me! You're doin' great. Besides, who would want to leave that face just to go clean house!? ; )
Check the important stuff off your list! :-)
When he grows up, he won't remember the dishes in the sink, or the laundry on the floor.... he'll remember the dancing down the hall and naptime with mommy.
That's the kind of woman he will look for to spend his life with, and create a family with.
And that's what he'll do with his kids, 'cuz he'll remember how much more important time spent together is than clean dishes or cheerio-less floors.
Some of my best days are when I ignore the To Do list and completely be with my daughter. I have a hunch she's going to remember those days more than the others (well, I can hope!).
Sounds to me like your priorities are just where they should be!
Great post! :)
And super super cute little boy you have there!
Sounds like you are getting the important things done!
Yay for you! You will never remember the laundry that didn't get put away, etc.....but you WILL remember the time with J!
I am in love with that last picture. He is just so cute!
And you know what? You're right about getting so much done - all that other stuff isn't going anywhere.
So worth it to be "undone"!
I SO LOVE the picture of J at the end of this post!!
HE is so ADORABLE!! I love that little face!! GOSH!! Can you stand it?? He is just PERFECT!!!
What a handsome little man!!
AND good for you!! before you know it these days will be a blur and it will NOT matter how clean your house was, if there was toilet paper on the roll or not and if there were dishes and toys piled high... but it will matter that you played, laughed, and loved your child. That is what J and you will both remember!!
You are such a GREAT mommy!! :)
lots of love!!
xoxoxoxo hope tomorrow is just as good!!
Oh how completely sweet and a wonderful reminder of what's important.
PS ~ thank you for all your support for me to reach my goal of 365 posts this year. and also for all the WONDERFUL suggestions for posts!! you totally ROCK!! :)
i'm making my way slowly but surely towards my goal and I'm definitely going to use all your suggestions for posts so keep any eye out!!
thanks again!!
PS ~ thank you for all your support for me to reach my goal of 365 posts this year. and also for all the WONDERFUL suggestions for posts!! you totally ROCK!! :)
i'm making my way slowly but surely towards my goal and I'm definitely going to use all your suggestions for posts so keep any eye out!!
thanks again!!
That's the important stuff. The rest will wait.
That is one crazy cute baby!
It sounds lovely. Except for the mess part--I have a genetic inability to have fun amidst clutter. It's a burden.
Dried banana on the chair - LOL! I love the last picture, too cute! It sounds like you know the importance of being a momma. (:
Yep - sounds like you can check all the important stuff off the list!
I have come to the conclusion that my home will not be clean until both of my children are grown and on their own. I will have a couple years of domestic tidiness then grandchildren will be introduced into my home again and the lovely messes will start all over.
If only I could be as carefree! Good for you, these moments, these the ones of memories. No one will remember my mildly clean house.
Awwww - I love this post. Now if only I could convince Granilla to lighten up ...
Poor Granilla. She cleans up the toys WHILE SUMO IS PLAYING WITH THEM which, of course, means he just goes back to get them back out. Poor Granilla.
Oh .. the Toilet Paper.. why are they obsessed with toilet paper?? LOL
Love his little face.. to cute!!
those big blue eyes are distacting..I might be out of TP as well.
Go to Sams and buy two bulk won't have to restock but ever few months! Dang we must use a lot of TP!
Awww, sweet photo.
You've got your priorities straight, Laski.
Dirt and clutter are secondary.
You have done everything important!
THat is so great! You are doing what matters!
It's posts like this that make me cry (my kids are in college!). I want them wrapped around my neck again. Guess I'll go vacuum.
how could you want to be productive with that adorable smile around?!
this is awesome. you have your priorities straight...
J will thank you (maybe not for a while) for all the love, but probably won't remember whether the floor was spotless or not.
Nothing more important than what you did get accomplished! Never feel bad about ignoring housework if you can play with J!
That last picture shows you hard work.
Job well done, momma!
i haven't had such a great week. reading this post certainly has reminded me how fleeting childhood can be and so what if the dishes aren't done. there is time for all that, but those precious moments will soon be gone and we shouldn't miss any of them. thanks for lifting my spirits and reminding me of what is important.
My floors are under the management of Cheerios, too, but I have not a single Wee One in my house. How could that be? I think you've just painted a pretty accurate portrait of my house, too!
Hahaha...that's right! SO MUCH DONE. Nothing else matters.
My sink is 10" deep and I refuse to do dishes until that sucker is running over.
Yes, so, so much done!
He is getting so big now!
This post is wonderful .... and so timely ... it reminds of that Anna Quindlen quote ..... which is completely escaping me right now... but you probably know the one .... thanks for reminding me that I CAN'T do it all and that my house is just going to have to be a total disaster if I'm going to continue enjoying my beautiful baby girl AND manage to muddle through each day without doing any permanent damage to anyone else in this household (oh wait, it may be too late for that!).
Blog hopped. I get this in so many ways.
The dishes can wait, forever for all I care.
My son and daughter won't wait.
has that little TP thief been east of the Blue Ridge Mtns? Cuz I keep finding my bathrooms in a similar state. ;)
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