Do you remember this post about My First Crush? You know, the one about the Italian Stallion and my prom? Remember how I told you I MIGHT post a picture of us? Well, we were doing some spring cleaning and guess what I came across? Yup. Here it is . . .OK. Not the one you were hoping for? Well, I wanted to elicit some sympathy from you, so I thought I would show you the unsuspecting and innocent three-year-old I once was. This little girl would one day develop a crush on a boy and then fulfill all her dreams and take him to her prom. And if you read about My First Crush, you'd know just how *insert sarcasm here* terrific that turned out.
I had to protect the
not so innocent . . . He is even wearing white shoes. I don't know if you can tell, but he is POSING. Look at the slight flex of his left arm. Ugh. By the way, I don't want to hear a word about the gloves, the hair or the dress . . . it was a prom from the 90s for goodness sakes!
I have a challenge for you. It is prom season. And you know, if I could have the guts to post my prom pictures, then you can too! So, let's do it. Drag out those old photos, scan 'em in, and POST THEM. Let's all have a laugh at each other's expense celebrate a major milestone of our high school careers.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
A Somewhat Wordy Wednesday
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My prom pictures are from the 60's... can you imagine what they look like? lol
You were a cutie... at both ages!
Happy WW! Stop by if you can.
Just Some Thoughts
Seriously good looking, my friend!
We didn't have a prom in Scandinavia, so I sadly have no white shoed stories to share :)
Holy I want to ride this stallion or what? Only in my dreams.
My W W is shared. I sure hope you can drop by. Some may quote a movie character from JAWS when they come over for a visit today ---"I think we need a bigger boat"
Happy Wednesday
Uhhhm. I actually like the gloves and wore similar ones when I got married in 95. LOL
Love your prom pic! I'll see if I can dig one up to embarrass myself with.
Yours, however is cool. What a hot couple!
90s or not--you look beautiful!
Not a bad prom picture at all!
Hi Laksigal, you have been tagged. Drop by to see what the game of eights is all about.. :)
I don't think my prom pictures look much different, though I didn't wear the gloves. You look lovely. I'll find a way to shame myself soon, I promise.
Since prom season is upon us I may have to go dig out my photos, watch out! Cute pics btw
i'm not sure if i still have my prom pictures...
nice picture though...very 90s
mine is up too. hope you can check it out too.
happy WW!
Um, I LOVE it! Takes me back to the days of being 9 and watching my big sis get all prettified! I used to want to wear that dress for my own prom!! :)
Love you sis!
I'll play.
My senior prom picture includes my husband. It was our first date.
I think you looked terrific!
aren't prom dresses from when we were kids just fabulous? I mean really - they just don't know how to make prom dresses these days ;)
Look how cute you were! In both pictures!! Ok, I'm going to try to get my prom pic posted tomorrow...I was 5 months pregnant with SlowMo, classy huh? Although I wasn't really showing yet.
You look amazing! The dress is much better than many of the ones girls wore in my class. Even at the time I was like you have got to be kidding!
I posted my grad picture way back when - we don't do prom here in the Artic. I'll see if I can find it later :-)
You are adorable! Ok, so my prom pics are here. Dr. Martens & all! :)
Girl - one word - FABULOUS. You are fabulous. Why is it when I REALLY like some one they live... um... FAR far FAR away? Move to Utah, ok? Then we can be buds.
you looked HAWT! I just went to see if I can dig up my prom pics. I found them, now let's see if I can figure out the scanner.
Love your picture and LOVE the idea!
I wonder if all of my 90's hair will fit on the computer screen? Seriously HUGE!
Have to see if I can dig that stuff up......maybe for next Wednesday!?
Great Post!!
I LOVE the picture! I just so happen to love the gloves & the hair & the pink shimmery dress! hee hee Holy hell he IS posing! haha ha, what a doofus! hee hee
I love this idea! I hope everyone does it! I'll have to do some looking to find my prom pics! Early 90's were some good times, not quite as good as the 80's but still fabulous looks to laugh at!
Here's mine:
I was on my school's prom committee, but didn't attend!!! Hee hee! No pics to show. I've never even been to a formal dance.
Awwww! You look great! Him not so much.
Isn't it funny how things work out!
I love this idea -- though I'll have to dig out prom pictures that involve a giant side ponytail... oh dear...
LOL, mine was at the end of the 80's - even worse than yours!
LOL at your posing date :)
Nope. I won't say anything about the gloves. Cuz, um, you're not wearing gloves. Gloves cover your fingers. I'm just sayin'. ;)
I just don't know if I can do it. Posting prom pics, huh? Sheesh. We'll see.
I put mine up in my post from my anniversary. I went with the hubby. Here you go:
You look so cute in both pictures! I love your dress - gloves and all!
I posted my prom pics a couple weeks ago, and while your dress is very pretty, mine makes me look like Scarlett O'Hara's sidekick...
my dress was the same color. ;)
I totally am going to dig out the old prom pics...hope I have them somewhere (and not still packed away or at my mom's).
I'll admit right off the bat that I have no courage. I tend to avoid sharing pictures of myself at any age - but that doesn't stop me from posting countless photos of everyone around me. Those who have the camera make the rules, after all :)
Your description of your Man-From-Glad prom date is priceless. I can't stop laughing as I write this.
i might have to look through my stuff tonight to see if I can find a prom post.
his face matches his shoes
I bet we went to our proms the same years! I will see what I can find and let ya know!
How cute!!!! As a 3 year old, and for your're so pretty! I like how you've protected the innocent LOL!
I'll have to dig up something ... they don't call it a prom up here, but a senior year formal (same difference, really).
I love a challenge! And you know how I like to put up old, bad hair pictures of myself ;)
That's an evil challenge Laski ... but I like it. You look so cute Molly Ringwald, I mean, Laski.
Oh my... he is TOTALLY posing! LOL!
alright, the senior prom pic is posted. I also included a bonus prom pic from my junior year.
Duuude . . I went to prom in the 90's and totally didn't have a dress like that.
Mine was worse! Well, mine WERE worse . . . I went to tons of proms like the prom whore that I am. I was out of control.
I should note I never had that much fun at prom, either, unless I went with a gay dude.
Baby J gets his cuteness from his MOmmy:) I'll try to drag out some prom pics. Oh my---this should be fun!
I checked out your blog from the comment you left on mine - I love it!!!! You had me laughing until I almost wet my pants at what you wrote about your prom!!!!! I think you looked amazing!!!! Will definately revisit!!!
You look so gorgeous! I actually love your dress. I may not wear it now, but it is very pretty.
I didn't have a prom, we didn't have them in small town Canada, not sure why not.
He looks pretty cute - even behind the fake face. You are darling - DARLING!!
Take care - Kellan
LOL. I think you look hot. :) And I'm game! I'll find a picture tomorrow and get it up.
I'm such an 80's/90's girl. I LOVE your hair and think you look beautiful!
You looked beautiful, Laskigal. We don't really have prom here although I wish we had one. Hmm... well, there is this thing called the "Management Night" where all students of the Management Faculty would attend a dinner in the hotel, something like a prom but there is no dancing.
I didn't go to my prom. So I can't participate! Thankfully!! :)
I posted a prom pic a few weeks ago. I still LOVE that dress.
BTW, your dress and hair look beautiful! I wish big, fluffy dresses would just stay in style, you know?
I am crying at his pose. hahahahaha..
You looked great.. I mean the dress is so 90's..but it was the "look" back then..
What a fun post!!
Oh girl you look good! (in both pics!) Are those white hose and shoes that are died to match? What WERE we thinking? I had the same thing. Now let me go see if I can find that picture...
Oh! There it is.
Did you hear the strike of a match? Oh darn, it just burned.
I'm sorry, guess I can't post it now... J/K If I find it you will be the first to know! ; )
How funny. If only I had a scanner, I'd post some of mine for sure. Too cute
You've been awarded...come and get it.
♡ I can totally see his "pose"... Great picture! I never went to my prom (I was one of those that secretly wanted too but outwardly shunned it)... A bunch of friends and myself all went out that night and had fun instead of boiling in the hot gym! :)
I didn't go to the prom. I got married instead!
Thanks for the birthday wishes!
I feel young so I am going by that. But my kids think I am ancient... hee hee:-)
Wow, I wish I knew where those pictures were!
I love how you innocently threw out that challenge. I may have to take you up on it. It was the 80's after all and is worth a good laugh.
Love the poser. Bwahahaha!! So glad you got over him and found someone so much better.
Oh dear - it's nice to see you again, but I don't think I want to show my old prom pic...hmmmm. I never liked it. It was a bad time, etc. Thx for stopping by my place while I was away and have a gr8 weekend :) *lots'o lov'n com'n @ cha*
I accept your challenge and am scanning now! hee-hee!
You won't hear a word from me about it. That whole people who live in glass houses thing? My prom was in the 80's.
A mother's day meme and an award for you here:
I asked my date to prom. He was a total dud. He flirted with another girl the whole time we were there. After prom, our limo stopped at a convience store. He went in to get ice, I bribbed the driver to drive away. I left him stranded in his tux and partied the rest of the night and the weekend with my friends.
you can totally tell he's posing!
oooh... i just may have to dig out my prom photos.
My mom wouldn't splurge for the gloves. I was so mad. I had to borrow necklaces and earrings, too. In the end, I totally know why now. Why would she buy these things that I would wear ONCE when my cousin had one that worked. Unfortunately, my cousins didn't have gloves. Man, I wanted gloves.
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