Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: I apologize . . .

Dear J, I'm so sorry that you are the newest victim of your mama's lack of fashion sense and her total geekdom.
I didn't think there was any problem with this one until someone called him "Baby Trump."

I had no real swimming trunks. I'm not even sure this get up was for a boy. I just grabbed it and ran. Nice sandals. I know.

Forgive me . . .
*For more Wordless Wednesday participants, click here.

Hey, stay tuned. I have a sizzlin' guest post coming soon!


Cynthia said...

At least he is dressed! I have a couple nudists on my hands:P

just jamie said...

I'm giving you bonus points for the first outfit. I think it's super, the second one? Well, have I mentioned how cute baby J is? ;)

Cassie said...

I really like that first outfit! I love little polos on babies :)

Beth said...

Put some golf clubs in his hands! said...

It's ok. His cuteness overrides the lack of pants. :)

Rach (Mommy Learns to Blog) said...

I think Baby Trump (I mean, J) is absolutely precious!!! Love that round little face!

Thank you also for the tidbit about the WW blog - I never knew that existed!

Stephanie said...

Hahaha! Baby Trump! That's hilarious. He's still a cutie regardless of what he's in ;)

Anonymous said...

I wish we could have a playdate!!

tiarastantrums said...

I think he looks adorable!!

Kori said...

I still don't get what is wrong with the first one-becuase Owen has several outfits like that. And the second? Ah, he is having such a great time, who cares!

Lori said...

I think the first outfit is cute... looks like he is ready for the country club, but that's just the pants.

the second outfit... wellllll

amanda said...

whenever i look back at baby pictures of me, i think what was my mom thinking putting me in that??

now when i dress beans i wonder if she will look back and think the same thing!!

btw - happy belated bday to your little love :)

María said...

LMAO. The second one...I think that's for girls. But he totally pulls it off. :)

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Hey, when you look that good, the clothes are just icing baby. Although he will hold it against you, of that I am sure. I know I do, you should see some of the nastiness I was subjected to as a baby. So what if it was the 1970's, I mean how long can that excuse hold up?

I love the first outfit actually and really, would The Donald be caught dead in a pair of shorts? I think not....

Unknown said...

I have no idea what "baby trump" means. Is that how his latest spawn is dressing? I think it's cute no matter what!

The second one...hmmm....
; )

Pregnantly Plump said...

I think the outfits are cute, and love the sandals. Little Elvis had a pair like that. He loved taking them off when sittng in his car seat.

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

Hee hee hee. I love the plaid shorts actually.
He is cute enough to pull off almost anything. And probably will, once he starts dressing himself.

Aunt Julie said...

Awwwwwww...I LOVE the shorts! Actually, Moker has a pair that look a like like those! BTW, thanks so much for dropping by to learn about the Wonders of Wisconsin! Isn't BATW great?

Anonymous said...

Dress him however you want to while you can, because once he has an opinion......he won't be wearing either one of those outfits! :)

Anonymous said...

Now I feel you must move nearer to me so I can teach you how to shop for him. I like the first outfit, but no bathing suit? Really?

Kat said...

I like the first outfit. I think it is really cute! The second outfit? I don't know. And I can only say that because I had an outfit like that for my boys. Oops. ;)

Momisodes said...

Awww, so cute! LOL, I think Dadisodes has an outfit just like that ;) At least he has plaid shorts just like those.

gina said...

Plaid shorts are TOTALLY in this season- just ask my girls. The second one...well... ;)

Mozi Esme said...

I think we'll all have to apologize to our kids some day - at least you've gotten it over with! And I like the Trump outfit!

Lori said...

HaHa! He'll forgive you now, but not when he's a teenager!

ConverseMomma said...

He looks like a beautiful little peapod. I love it!

Hey, check out blogcritics. I'm gonna write for them, for free, but for links. You should too.


Anonymous said...

oh geez.. when did he get soooo big.. and i can't take how adorable!!

Aunt Becky said...

My son is a total naked baby. I try to put clothes on him, really I do, but he sneaks out of them. Should be an interesting adolescence.

Lindsay said...

Seriously, I feel the same way. I'm so bad that before we go out in public, my HUSBAND changes the kids (most) of the time!

I think it's adorable.

Anonymous said...

I think he is cute enough to withstand any fashion choices made for him. I also don't know that I'd do any better at choosing. ;)

Wendi said...

I think he will forgive you.
Atleast on the first outfit.
The second so.much.
It is a good thing he is so cute!
Happy WW!

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

I don't think that last one is a boy's outfit, but it is hubby has no fashion least that is what I think ... maybe it is me that has no fashion sense.

Oh dear.

Amy said...

I love the shorts! There is nothing wrong with Baby Prep.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the baby Trump wear!!

Your boy is adorable - so glad I stumbled across this blog.Your birthday post made me tear up. Definitely adding you to the list!

Danielle said...

Awe! I like the baby trump look. Does he have a popped collar?

Blessings From Above said...

Baby Trump - that is so funny!

I think he looks adorable!!!

Unknown said...

Hey, well at least he is dressed! :)

Melissa said...

Sorry, that comment from "Moose" is actually from me. My husband was signed in under my account .... again :)

Tyne said...

How funny! My kids are always looking slightly fashion-less. I will be back to check in and make sure he is more fashionable! Just kidding... thanks for coming by my blog.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Who needs styling clothes when you're that cute?!

LiteralDan said...

Oh, that's nothing-- I've got you beat easily! Cheer up, good buddy

huddtoo said...

LOL (Literally, I LOL'd!)

And on the first pic.. I love those shorts...sooo cute!! Tell that person to buzz off if they want to call your cutie Mr. Trump again!

Kellan said...

So darling - what a sweetie!

Take care - Kellan

KATE said...

I'm loving the little baby Trump outfit, super cute! The second one is a little scary, but I've done that in a "swimming, we're gonna get wet today" pinch...

Seriously, if they are clean and dressed and have clean diapers you're doing GREAT!!!

Lindsey said...

He is so cute. Really. Though I know you are well aware.

Could we just arrange the marriage of baby J and Harper Jane? Wouldn't we be great in-laws?

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Baby Trump? Ha! I disagree he has AWESOME HAIR. :)

tommie said...

I love the first outfit!

I have one that lives in princess dress up outfits! The other could live in PJs all day!

Why do I bother to shop for clothes?

CC said...

I see no problems whatsoever with those clothes. Way, way better than the fashion sense they have when they learn to dress themselves!

Wineplz said...

the first outfit is fine. not a lot to choose from in boys clothes.

the second outfit? uh. hmm. it does look a little snug...we'll just go wtih that. ;)

(we're jealous J is standing on his own Godzilla baby only does it when it suits him)

Eve Grey said...

That is just too darling. And, yeah, the first outfit? Barron Von Trump.

Tootsie Farklepants said...

Trunks. Boys wear swimming trunks. And I dig the preppie outfit!

Amy said...

So he has a little something to hold over your head someday - nothing like a little sweet revenge!!! he he he

I think he looks great!

Anonymous said...

I would just like to note that the second outfit was super cute on my boy -- when he was six months old. Not so great on a 12-month-old, but J pulls it off, off course! I just had to defend my clothing choice. People with girls don't get that sometimes we folks with boys have to push the limits sometimes because we really get sick of blue, olive green and orange. We want cutesy frou-frou outfits, too!

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