Thursday, August 7, 2008

Three days . . .

Until the little guy turns 1.

I know. I've been MIA.

Why? I've been . . . drumroll please . . . reflecting.

I hate when I do that.

I've been a bit . . . emotional. No, not all weepy and stuff. Well, not much anyway.

Is it because J is turning 1? I think that is part of it. But, I also think my recent foray into the psychological abyss that is my mind is more about life in general.

I've been thinking about everything from our loved ones who are no longer with us to the fact that my butt just doesn't look the same in my favorite jeans anymore.

I have about a half dozen unfinished posts. I start one, get all excited, read it over. DELETE.

Like . . .

The post about the two elderly ladies at the park who talked incessantly about their love lives (in detail). I may need therapy . . . DELETE.


My two-hour drive home with two screaming infants in the back seat of my car. I had one of those crazy "I can't do anything about it but laugh until I pass out" laughs going on. You know, the freaky kind that make you think you are going crazy. I'm pretty sure my friend will NEVER call me for a play date again. DELETE


A story from high school that involved an eggs, doggy biscuits, toilet paper and a Chinese restaurant place mat. DELETE. Wait . . . that I might save 'til later.


The letter to single guys who think they poop gold, pee Dom Perignon, are as intelligent as Einstein, as charming as Clooney, as hot as Pitt, and that any chick fortunate enough to be in his presence should thank her lucky stars. Well, you don't. You ain't. And the WOMEN today are much smarter than that (even if it takes a date or two to realize it). That post came with a free quart of Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia and a copy of Sleepless in Seattle. DELETE. Well, maybe not quite yet . . . I mean, ice cream???

Yeah, so I've been busy NOT writing. Not posting. Not commenting (much, if at all). I feel as if I'm constantly wiping away the cobwebs from the lap top. That will change . . . soon.

BUT, I have been soaking up each and every second of J's life leading up to THE BIG DAY. Playing, tickling, chasing, bouncing, jumping, laughing, chatting, reading, singing . . . swelling . . . as in my big fat heart.

* * *
I can't leave you with yet ANOTHER sappy ending . . . so, let me leave you with this forgive me.

I've been trying to figure out how to get rid of my favorite fashion accessory. (BTW, Firecracker Mom, can this count as my sexy pic? 'Cause this is as close as anyone's gonna get. And I am showin' a little leg . . . ).

Wish me luck. I'm going for a run now (Well, not RIGHT now. After I finish spooning my tub of leftover chocolate frosting and sniffling over America's Got Talent --AKA Sap Fest.


Anonymous said...


Mr Lady said...

Awwww. I remember those days, right before one. It's really sad, isn't it?

Tell him happy birthday from his Auntie Mr Lady. And save me some cake, woman.

Cynthia said...

Going for a run....good for you!

Happy early Birthday to the little one!

krissy said...

I'll take it.....and I must say that even though you are showing very little leg, you are tan girl. Better then my pasty white ass. Well, I don't know if you ass is pasty but whatever, you get my point.

I know it sucks when your baby turns 1. It will suck more when you send him to school. Because I was a blubbering retard. And I'm not trying to make you sadder. I'm just saying to relish in all of the days before school starts. Because suddenly, you will miss him being 2. And they get fun as they grow.

Thanks for remembering me. You are so one of my favs and because of that I am going to tag you for a meme and an award soon.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to see you posted. The birthday will be fine. Keep telling yourself that. And, good luck with the exercise.

Kat said...

I think it has been going around the blogosphere lately. The whole melancoly pits. My boys birthdays seem to do it to me too.
Hope you had a good run. And frosting! ;)

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

It's fun to get to enjoy you enjoying him.

Unknown said...

I just finished the vanilla frosting with the colored chips inside. Luckily it was on top of low fat cake so it really doesn't count! ;)

I love that you're enjoying him and can't wait to hear all about his birthday!

Kellan said...

You need to write each one of those posts - all fun, funny and interesting - HA! I loved this post, but I'm sorry you have been feeling glum. I hope your one year old is having fun with his mom - he's lucky to have you!

Take care - Kellan

Lori said...

so where are the details about planning the big party??

Take your time getting back into blogging, enjoy your little man!

Rachel Holloway said...

HAVEN'T THE DAYS FLOWN? Pretty soon he will turn 4 and be telling knock knock jokes...and you will definitely wonder What happened to year 2 and 3... :) said...

I've been a big awol, too. Be sappy! You're entitled.

Angie @ KEEP BELIEVING said...

Each of your "almost" posts has be wanting more.


Anonymous said...

I just wrote apologizing for not being around much lately's going around. 1 is a big thing!! I cried a lot. Jake just turned 6 and for some reason it hit me almost the same...not sure if it's because it is the next age bracket or what 6-10? Yikes.

So you are trying to get rid of the rubber band or are you adding it? :)

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

I have a 2-year olds birthday party to plan for November. I start planning it and my mind wanders to holding him in my arms when he was a couple of days old, helping him take his first steps, his first birthday party.

After I wipe all the tears away I'm too tired to plan any more. So, I close the notebook and curl up in bed and cry some more.

I just had my period.

Could you be pregnant again? Probably not...

Kori said...

Was that a rubber band? Oh, I love you, I really, really do.

Laural Out Loud said...

I hope you didn't really delete those posts- I'd read them all!

One is a great age. All the learning and discovering. But it's hard to lose your baby!

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

You know I have been feeling a bit the same about posting... but you are way ahead of me with all those ideas! I had none. Nada.

Enjoy your little man, he's a darling!

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Oh and I don't get what your favourite fashion accessory is...the skinny legs? the thin wrists? The cute jean shorts?


Karen MEG said...

Blogging vs your cute little J...J of course wins hands down.
Wow, 1 already!!! Enjoy him, but honestly, there is still a LOT of good stuff to look forward to as he gets older ...

Lori said...

It's good to reflect on things ~ don't beat yourself up over it. You are such a good Mommy!!! What are the 1st birthday party plans?

BusyDad said...

AND you're showin wrist! In some cultures, I'd be in a lot of trouble staring at your exposed wrist. Wish the little guy a happy birthday for me ok?

Momisodes said...

Oh the first year is too fast! I really think that after 2 years they should turn 1.

I'm sharing your reflective mood this week. My baby is turning 3 soon *sigh*

Happy early birthday to the little one :)

Karen said...

I only wish that I had the wits about me to use a rubber band on my pants. It would have saved the lives of a few people who got hit with buttons.

April said...

I hope J has a great first bday! Do you read Jen of A2eatwrite? She's got a great diet posted for us stressed-out women :)

Mozi Esme said...

That is one great fashion accessory - really expands the wardrobe!

Enjoy that 1st! They go by so fast that it's hard to savor the moment until it's over and too late . . .

Aunt Julie said...

Oh, gosh! His birthday is tomorrow!! I remember when my kids were that age. In fact, The Wild One's b-day is in August, too, so we almost always celebrated at the beach. have a wonderful b-day tomorrow, Mom! Tell your family they need to give you a present, too!

Lisa said...

Oh girl!

Get out a bottle of wine. It will help the birthday go down a little more smoothly! And as Krissy said this is one of the first of many hard mama pills you will swallow with your baby boy growing up too fast....

Pregnantly Plump said...

I hope the run went well! And his first birthday will be great!

Tara R. said...

A year old already?! That went really fast. Love the sexy photo *wink*

Texasholly said...

Eating cake helps.

OHmommy said...


you are so sexy. i really do puffy hear you.

painted maypole said...

dude, i would just be happy to get my butt INTO my favorite jeans right now.

too much eating on vacations.

i had to wear my elastic waisted shorts.

diet commencing...

Anonymous said...

A run? Now that is a little drastic isn't it?


Happy Birthday to your little man :)

BITR Country Girl said...

I found your blog on NW Designs and thought I'd drop by and say hi! Happy birthday to your little man! Have a great day.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Go enjoy 1.

It is truly bittersweet.

Go. enjoy. 1.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I remember when you first found that awesome fashion accessory.

CC said...

love the fashion accessory! :)

Anonymous said...

The rubber band . . . classic.

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Photo of the Week
Two Peas
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