Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
The buzzing of technology is ubiquitous. Computer screens flicker to life, cell phones trill endlessly, televisions blare well into the wee hours of the night, iPods hang from nearly every passerby.
The last time we were without power was a auspicious mixture of heaven and hell. The phones, the computer, the lights . . . all of it. Gone.
What did we do? We talked. We listened. We went outside and let the moon light our path. Later we lit candles while I read poetry. OK, the whole poetry thing didn't happen. But the conversation, the moon, the candles . . . all true.
It is just so easy to get caught up. To get lost. To be overcome. The frenetic pace of every day can just zap the life right out of you.
Before J was born we took a trip to Boston. Being the geeky English teacher, I just had to visit Walden Pond, the ethereal place where Thoreau built his simple one-room cabin, forgoing the trappings of modern life.
* * *
Simplify, simplify, simplify. Thoreau's words. And a philosophy by which I try to lead my life.
So, do I? Nah. Not always. But I try.
And you know who inspires me?
The boy who finds joy in rolling a can of Spaghettios around on the floor, forgoing his expensive toys that lay abandoned in his play room. The boy who can truly appreciate nature, from the leaves on a tree to the rippling waves in the river. The boy who can look into your eyes and make you thankful you're alive.
The boy who can bend over, look between his legs, laugh, get you to pick him up because he is so darned cute, only to discover that he has a little (smelly) present for you.
Simplicity at its best.