Monday, July 28, 2008

I am . . .

I am . . .


(or economically packaged)

a little pudgy

(but soft for cuddling)


(but at least I have a heart)

not that pretty

(but he thinks I'm beautiful)

not that smart

(but he thinks I'm brilliant)

not that funny

(but he laughs at me all the time)

I am not so bad at this . . .

With just a little bit of help.

I am me. Nothing more. Nothing less.

I’m OK with it.

Are you?


Misty said...

I remind myself of this often, because you know what - - being a mother is one of my, hell - - it's MY HUGEST accomplishment.

Misty said...

PS: It's fun to first. (And second).

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I am.

I, too, marvel at the way our genes have combined to make some amazing kids.

Mr Lady said...

You forgot totally rad. 'Cause you're that, too.

Zoeyjane said...

I'm working on it.

I'm also in agreement with Mr. Lady.

Beth said...

Love it! I wrote something for my husband with a similar ending this week. I may post it. Or not. lol It ended with "I am Beth."

Lori said...

I love that

Lisa said...

Most days I'm alright with me. There are days that it's more difficult, but I feel that I have to love me in order to teach my girls to love themselves, you know?

Mozi Esme said...

If you can make one of those, you are Wonder Woman! All the rest is inconsequential!

Anonymous said...

so, i've seen you in the flesh and you are totally not pudgy. if you are, you hide it well. and not pretty? whatever. Not that smart? Right.

I'm with J on all counts.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I like this post. =)
I'm pretty OK with me, and getting better all the time!

Angie @ KEEP BELIEVING said...

You are.... too humble....


Marmarbug said...

I try to remind myslef that no matter what I DID create life and I must admit he is pretty friggin cute. Ahem.

Karen MEG said...

Yeah, I'm OK, cuz my kids rock! So I must be doing something right, at least some of the time.

But if I was your little one; more than OK, that's for sure.

He is one cutie, cutie-pie!

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Yup. Totally, we all should be!

And you are awesome in so many ways, embrace it sister, we all have :)

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

Just beautiful Laskigal. Love ya!

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

You know, I guess I am happy with all of that (boy do you sound like me)..but sometimes I do get depressed about how short and dumpy I am.

Nice post.

Pregnantly Plump said...

That's a great post and such a sweet picture! I have to admit that I never truly enjoyed any of my jobs after I graduated college. There were always major issues. This has been the first job where I've been very happy and satisfied. It helps that my "boss" is great at letting me know when I've done a good job.

Kristen said...

Love it!!

That was too cute!

Kat said...

Your poetry rocks! :)

Anonymous said...

For a minute there I thought you were writing about me....but then I realized you were talking about yourself. Silly me. :) You rock at this mommy gig, to hell with everything else!!

Carol said...

Loved that post.

Yeah no matter what we think of ourselves our little ones think we're brilliant.

Well unless we say no, or put them on the naughty spot of course.

painted maypole said...

most days. ;)

nice post.

by the way, i just noticed your plea for e-mails. can't remember if you have mine or not, but it's

gina said...

Cheers to that!

CC said...

Awww! Love it!

Bunchy said...

Love love LOVE this! And yeah, I'm working on it. xoxo

Amy said...

I think you are fabulous!

Anglophile Football Fanatic said...

I like all the things you are, too!

Karen said...

I love that. What an awesome perspective.

just jamie said...

YOU both are too damn cool for words.

Anonymous said...

This was beautiful.

JK said...

This is such a cute post and the photo is awesome.

Unknown said...

I am except for the thighs but I don't think those are ever going to change (damn DNA) so I just need to learn to accept it, huh?

Nice post...

Aunt Julie said...

LOVE the free verse! My bloggy friend Melissa B. over at Scholastic Scribe did an Ode to her Birkies about a week ago. BTW, my kids have ended up WAY smarter than either me or The Hubby. And nicer, too! :)

April said...

I'm more than okay with it! And that's a great pic.

Momisodes said...

LOVE this post :) You are way too humble. You totally rock.

Cathy - wheresmydamnanswer said...

I love this post and FINALLY can say YES - I am good with me and I love it!!


ps - that little face is adorable!!

Rachel Holloway said...

I was just talking to my sister about this...I feel like I am finally to the point of being OKAY with who I am, and what I am doing. I just don't know why it took so long! :)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful poem about the little guy!

Anonymous said...

I am so NOT getting a blog to do this. Just so you know. You can't talk me into it (like you talk me into everything else).

I'm just commenting because J is super duper cute and I can't believe he's gonna be 1.

My first comment on your blog, L. Do I win a prize?


Unknown said...

What a wonderful post.

You know? Some days I am. Others, not so much.

I often wonder about others and this question. I also often wonder about my husband and that question. Does he ever question himself in the same way?

Wineplz said...

most days I think I'm okay with being me. there are those days that I'm really NOT okay but thankfully they are relatively short-lived.

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Two Peas
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