Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It Happened One Morning

I pulled back my shoulders and tucked my head down as I tilted my pelvis forward. I turned slightly and pushed myself up as I tucked one leg beneath the other. I squeezed my legs together and thought the happiest of thoughts. I turned around, pulled the IV around me, tucked both legs under, butt in the air and rested on my elbows.

Nope. Nothing worked. I push the button. "I need to pee." Unplug. Pull. Waddle. Flush.

Back in bed. I looked across the room to see the husband peacefully resting on the couch. I grit my teeth.

Lub dub. Lub dub. Lub dub. Her heartbeat, strong and quick, plays in the background. I watch the monitor as yet another contraction closes in.

Ouch. Er. OUCH.

OK. There was more to it than that, but I was only dilated to 1 cm. The good stuff was yet to come. Expletives didn't fly, but I'm certain I may have cast a voodoo curse on a clueless nursing student.

To think, all this started after a seemingly innocuous lunch at Bob Evans. A Wildfire Chicken Salad and a nagging little sister (a simple twinge and she'd ask, "Did you lose your mucous plug?" "Did your water break?" "Is my niece coming yet?" She badgered the poor baby right out of me.

Only hours later there I was, wrapped in lovely paisley hospital gown, awaiting the arrival of my daughter--three weeks early.

The birth went smoothly. Quickly. Hazily. And no, not from drugs but from the warp speed in which I went from a nearly unnoticed 1 cm to staring at my daughter's face. I'll skip all the in-between. Let's just say I became all that I never wanted to be. I screamed. I bruised (don't worry, he's healing nicely), I said "I HAVE TO PUSH" at the top of my lungs and "I AM BREATHING!!! STOP TELLING ME TO BREATHE!" even louder. It was chaotic. It was loud. It was crazy.

Until she came. And then, all was quiet.

My daughter. Wow.

I have a daughter.

She's no longer the kicks, prods, and pokes in my belly. She's no longer the packaged flowered Onsies sitting in a yet-to-be-decorated room. She's no longer just "baby girl."

She's not just a dream of what might be.

She's real. She's here.

Dark hair. Tiny rosebud lips. And eyes that drink in the world and more.

I'm a walking cliche. I'm mushy. I'm in awe. And I make no apologies for being madly in love. A little girl and my now BIG boy.

I'm blessed. I'm happy. I'm full. And yeah, it feels good.

And even if I no longer have an excuse for loading up on Slurpees and super-sized chocolate malts, I have a feeling that I'll survive.

Precious. Not even a day old. Baby girl was born at 6:45 AM on Tuesday July 7 (week 37).

Moments after seeing his new baby sister for the first time. Not quite sure what to make of her just yet. Though when we brought her home, she received two kisses from her eager big brother. We'll see how long the love lasts . . .


flutter said...

she is gorgeous. so much love to you

Sage Ravenwood said...

No matter what it took to get her here, you did good sweet friend. Both of those little ones are treasures in themselves. (Hugs)Indigo

I'm now in my new home above. Indy

OHmommy said...

Beautiful.... many congrats.

thordora said...

She's lovely. :)

CC said...

Wow, wow, wow!!!!!! I was just talking to my son today about babies. He said that it must hurt to have a baby. I said, that "yes, it must!". He said that babies get cut out of mommies bellies. I said, "Yes, sometimes that happens". And then I had to talk about the other way it happens. Great. And now I've put a book about the birds and bees on hold because he wants to know how the baby got inside. Argh! The boy is six. I guess I better tell him before his classmate does.

But the way you describe it, painful as it sounds, it also sounds magical. I hope one day to be an eye witness to this miracle!

Congrats!!! And what is her name???

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...


In my experience it will last, in unadulterated form, until she can take his stuff.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. She is beautiful. What's her name?

anglophile football fanatic said...

So proud of ya momma bear. Thanks for all the updates. She's a beautiful lassie.

KG said...

She's beautiful ... but of course, you already knew that.

She looks NOTHING like J! From the pictures I saw from when he was a newborn, he looks TOTALLY different. It's wild!

PS - how big was she?

Pam said...

Congrats! That is a wonderful story - she is just precious and perfect!

Lori said...

She is beautiful! congrats!!! And, I love the look on big brother's face!!ha!

Hockeyman said...

Awww, what a beautiful little girl! Congrats!

Kat said...

I was wondering how you have been doing and have checked your site a number of times to make sure you didn't post and I'd missed it.
Three weeks early! That kind of freaks me out. ;) I have less than 4 weeks now.

What a beautiful post you wrote, and I love the pictures!!! I must know her name. If you have a spare moment, email it to me. Actually, if you have a spare moment, SLEEP! I can wait to hear her name. ;)

CONGRATULATIONS again! She is absolutely beautiful! :)

justmylife said...

She is Beautiful! Congratualations!!! said...

Happy Happy Happy for you! She's adorable and he looks... concerned. :) Hope life adjusts smoothly for all of you and that you are feeling rested and happy!

Siobhan said...

Awww, she's gorgeous! I loved the part where you wrote:

"She's no longer the kicks, prods, and pokes in my belly. She's no longer the packaged flowered Onsies sitting in a yet-to-be-decorated room. She's no longer just 'baby girl.'" Beautiful. Brought a lump to my throat. Well done Mama! I'm glad it went fast for you.

Anonymous said...

o many congrats to you and your family. she is so precious!! and that lil boy of yours is so cute.

Pregnantly Plump said...

Congratulations!! So exciting. I'm glad you are all doing well, and hope the big brother kisses stay.

Lisa said...

she's just perfect - many congrats to you! What a lucky little lady she is to have you as her mama!!!

painted maypole said...

congrats. she's lovely.

Magpie said...

Happy congratulations - much luck and happiness for you all.

MommyTime said...

Congratulations again. And as someone who had a speeding train birth with my daughter too, I commend you on making it through with so much good nature. That's one ride no one can really anticipate. Happy New Mama day to you!!

PS My Captcha word is "cakings" which I think means you're supposed to switch from slurpees to cake. Enjoy.

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

Oh I am crying! Congratulations! I am so happy for you! I'm so glad she is OK! I think...uh-oh...that I'm also jealous! But mainly, I am just SOOOOOO happy for you all!

Unknown said...

Congratulations - she's gorgeous! That's funny how your sister bullied her out of you - HA!

Enjoy her... such a blessing!

Wendi said...

What a little beauty you have.

Quarantine Hobby said...

Congrats again, Laski! She is beautiful, and I'm so glad everyone is doing well :)

MarĂ­a said...

She's so beautiful. Congratulations.

Kristen said...

She is beautiful!!!

Congratulations!! I am sure the love will continue with J until she is able to start reaching for his things!

Enjoy these beautiful days together, now a family of four! :)

Congrats friend!

Unknown said...

Good Job!!! Well done. And congratulations.

Kim said...

Oh My.. she is beautiful!! Congrats to you and your family!!

huddtoo said...

OOOH! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I've been SO scarce, finally posted today and it's been months. Been a horrible year, busy, stressful, you name it! What a wonderful thing to see as I check your bloggy today to see a beautiful baby!!

Wishing you well!!

Jaina said...

Such a beautiful little angel. Congrats!

RJTrue said...

Stop putting pictures up everywhere I go online ... and writing things so beautifully!

You are making me really miss some of my favorite people ever!

Darn you!

I love you and miss and don't feel bad for a moment that I talked that baby girl into coming.

Zoeyjane said...

I am smiling the hugest smile for you. And pretty excited that you got a Cancer. ;)

Eve Grey said...

I am SOOOOO happy for you all. Congratulations!

ConverseMomma said...

I kept coming back and reading, and re-reading, wanting to say something so profound about mothering a daughter. I want to think of something so right to say to tell you how filled with love and joy I am, but I can't find the perfect words that fit how amazing this time. But even though I can't, just know I'm thinking all those thoughts.

nikki said...

So beautiful.

I did the 2cm to 10cm in less than an hour bit myself. Only me shouts were of the 4 letter kind.


Lindsey said...

COngrats!!! She is precious!!! My baby boy came the day before your baby girl...I was 2 weeks overdue, here's to new baby smells! She is adorable!

abby p said...

She is lovely. And JR is a doll, of course. Can't wait to see even more photos of these two (and you!).

Kori said...

Sigh, absolutely lovely-both of them, and you.

Kristi said...

Congratulations on your adorable girl (and you still have an excuse for the chocolate malts)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! She is beautiful! I hope you are getting a little bit of sleep....

stefanie said...

Yay! She's a gorgeous girl with a handsome big brother. You reminded me that when Mo was born, Steve was telling me to breathe, "In two three, out two three..." Trouble was, I was on out two three when he was on in two three.

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

She is utterly beautiful! Congratulations!

Mozi Esme said...

Congrats on your beautiful little one!

Don Mills Diva said...

So I'm so late in offering my congratulations!

Much love...

Mom said...

Yeha yeah yeah! So happy for you. I am eagerly awaiting my little girl 3 weeks to go!

Anonymous said...

OMG! Congratulations.

I hope you're all doing well and that Big brother is adjusting nicely.

SJ said...

I can't believe you finally shared this with me. I promise not to tell your mom!

She's such a doll. Can't wait to see her in real life.


Anonymous said...

L (& T) Congratulations - she's beautiful - maybe if we get a chance to see her she'll throw up on me too:) Just kidding. Hang in there and remember you'll be able to start sleeping through the night in about 30 - 35 years. B & R May I don't want to put up our web address here at the moment but you can get it from our "little girl" if you need it

Lisa said...

Oh, I LOVE birth stories. She is just precious.

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