Tuesday, May 12, 2009

He's Got Skills

Oh, does he . . .

JR, my ever-adventurous toddler, is now 21 months old. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around that. I mean the concept nearly escapes me as much as my ever-increasing waistline escapes all comprehension (please, not one comment on the shakes/Slurpees/kid cereals).

Yesterday we picked up a brilliant "toy" that is sure to provide extensive opportunities for JR's educational enrichment (AKA, give mommy a chance to spend some quality time in the bathroom alone . . . ).

Last night, we (as in DADDY) put it together . . . a SAND AND WATER CART (NO, this is not a review for Step 2 . . . I'm not so sure they'd be all over this idea)!

Of course, I couldn't wait to use it. We have the sand. We have the water. However, I wanted to use it RIGHT NOW--at 8 PM at night.

We used rice (this brilliant idea, as was the idea to purchase said table, was my friend AG's--brilliant, I tell you!). JR thanks you, AG . . .

We commenced with the rice. Spoons, measuring cups, bowls . . . you name it. He ignored every single thing. Instead, he plowed into the rice with both hands and showed us his skills.

Throwing (as far and high as he could--relishing in the feel of the rice as it fell on his head).
Pouring (it all over the TEXTURED BERBER--don't be jealous of my brilliance in choosing suitable locations for the rice-capades, please).
Spin-tossing (need I even explain?)
Stuffing (in places we can't even begin to explain or describe--you'll thank me later).
Flinging (he actually discovered this one just a few minutes ago--can you say RICE CATAPULT?).
Swishing/sweeping (with his hands, arms, other body parts . . . oh, that poor rice, those poor body parts).

It took me over an hour to clean it up.

And, I'm going to admit . . . it was all worth it. Even though I will find rice grains around the house until he turns 18, totally worth it. Even though I had to stifle my urge to race for the vacuum, totally worth it. Even though I dreamed of being attacked by creeping, crawling rice grains last night, totally worth it.

So worth it that I did it again this morning. I even opened a new bag of rice (please no comments on the wasting of rice--I swear I will donate a bag or ten to the food bank with every single one I use . . . oh, and here, you can too!).

Rather than explain our rice-ventures, why not show you?

*I apologize if you need to tilt you head dramatically to the side when watching or if you get dizzy while trying to follow my exceptional filming abilities. I totally missed the whole film making class in toddler school.

You know, something most definitely happens when you have a toddler running around. You don't go running for the paper towels or the broom as much as you go running for the camera. And, you don't shake your head in annoyance over a mess as much as you smile and nod in pride, feeling the swell of ridiculous, overpowering love and cuteness. You turn into one big messy emotional mush.

But I'll be darned if it isn't worth it. Every single grain . . .

Yes, we enjoyed the rice-capades quite a bit . . .

now where's my vacuum


melissa said...

that might drive me as crazy as when my kids mixed the play doh colors together...
but so cute!!
he is SO cute!!!
my son's pre-school uses kidney beans. it's easier to pick up. although, rice would be easier to vacuum!!

Unknown said...

lmao...he was having FUN!

Cathy - wheresmydamnanswer said...

Too Stinkin Cute!!! Even watching sideways!!! HA HA

S said...

You are an AWESOME mom. That was great.

Flea said...

I love the sound of it hitting the hard floor. I'm hoping you employ your boy in the clean up? That can be just as much fun for him.

ConverseMomma said...

I am totally going to do this, but I am going to use lima beans or kidney beans for my sand. Easier to find,and come on...who really wants to eat a lima bean anyway.

Anonymous said...

LOL, that is beyond cute! He was having SO much fun! And I agree with Cathy - even watching sideways LOL! Just HOW did you manage to do THAT?!?

KG said...


Shh - I'll let you in on a secret. I let mine play with the kitchen sink/squirt gun thingie and totally use it as an excuse to mop the floor. It's awesome.

Michelle said...

I have avoided getting one of those for just this reason. My neat freak side doesn't rear it's head very often but I have a feeling I'd be crazy in seconds with this one. It looks like great fun though. (And luckily we have a place that has one right nearby where I can take Peanut.)

Anonymous said...

You're a very patient mommy.

He's adorable.


GypsiAdventure said...

Oh my gosh - too cute! He looks like he totally enjoyed the rice. My mother instinct has me wanting to get the broom but you know...I think the camera was a much better choice! :)

Don't you wish you were a kid and could just enjoy rice that much again?

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Ahhhh, sounds like great fun. Might I suggest you move it outside though, no mess to clean up!


Can you tell I twitch at messes? I need therapy.

Corey~living and loving said...

sure looks like good times. :)

Kidney beans are fun too.

I can't believe it doesn't bother his feet when he walks on it.

Tara R. said...

That looks like tons of fun... I need one of those. Loved the video.

Pregnantly Plump said...

So fun! What a great idea.

Quarantine Hobby said...

Haha--that is too cute! Sometimes you just have to get over it and let kids PLAY, ya know? Good for you.

I want to get one of those. And seeing how big of a hit it is? Definitely want one even more now!

Mozi Esme said...

There's something about the idea that we've been keeping them from holding anything that can fit through a toilet paper roll since they were born - and all of a sudden we let them loose with this tiny stuff! I love the joy.

(Of course, I have learned to put my sensory tub on a towel and to take the tub away when the throwing starts, being the mature mother of a 25-mo-old and all...)

But I am way jealous of that sand cart! I would be fighting my girl to play in it.

tommie said...

this only just goes to prove EXACTLY why I was so excited to get a Dyson hand held vacuum cleaner for Mother's day! My husband was very embarrassed to be buying this for me, but I was so so so thankful!! It was seriously one of the best gifts he has ever gotten me.

painted maypole said...

with all those "awesomes" you know he's NEVER gonna stop doing that!

MommyTime said...

I love the rice-capades! I have been impressed with that idea ever since someone suggested it to me, though I never thought it would get spread quite so far and wide in the house. :) Happy playing.

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

Holy Moly. You are NUTS. OUT.SIDE.


But dang, he's having a blast! I can hear his thoughts "I can't believe she's letting me throw foooood!!!"

Unknown said...

That was so much fun to watch. You know why? Because it wasn't at my house! ; )

Seriously, he's adorable and I love how proud he is of himself. You're a great mom to go along with it and grab the camera.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I admire you. My OCD would have prohibited that activity--and it was so much fun!

Cute kid and cute rug.

Unknown said...

Awwww. He's cute and, apparently, bound and determined to clean up the berber. Equally apparently, he sees the wood floor as the ocean. Great video. I liked it a lot. So does my massage therapist - I just made an appointment with her on my way home.

Lori said...

That is hilarious!

Woman in a Window said...

This kind of stuff is so much fun! And yes, I remember the everything they do is cute stage...kinda miss it, truth be told.

huddtoo said...

Hearing his giggle over it, and the patter of his little feet running to the edge of the carpet makes it seem worth it.

Now, if you teach him how to sweep and/or vacuum...you'll be all set!! My kids LOVE to sweep and vacuum!

He's so cute!

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

That is AWESOME! I would have totally done this too. . . and then stressed out that I was being a bad mom doing it and letting him do it. But it would have been fun to watch!


Karen said...

You are the Best. Mom. Ever.

Seriously. Do you know how many kids I had before I reached that point in parenting? The point where I could enjoy the mess with the kids and not freak out? Um, it was with my 4th child, and only under the expert guidance of a therapist. (Occupational therapist, but therapist nonetheless.)

You rock.

just jamie said...

You're amazing.

Momisodes said...

Oh my goodness! So cute ...and fun! But I must say, you are much better than I am. It drives me bonkers to step on the occasional rice grain I spilled while making dinner :)

Have you tried using Oatmeal? We filled a box full of it and let our daughter at it in the backyard.

Karen MEG said...

L, he is so sweet, this is the best age... busy, busy, busy!!!

Rice is the best. As are you... love the vid!

Wait. What? said...

letting go of our adult need to keep order and being able to revel in the fun with like this - that is what makes mother hood memorable for both you and your babies!

nikki said...

I'm in complete shock that my son just turned 5!

Anonymous said...

Holy cow that is funny! He seems so enthralled, so it's completely worth it.


We did beans (dried beans in black, white and red) for Wynnie when she was 2. I'm here to tell you that it costs $375 to have 2 dried beans extracted from a toddler's nostril.

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