Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Things that Sparkle Part II

Remember my last post?

I wrote this e-mail to a friend and realized that it would make the perfect follow-up blog post . . .

What I needed was something for these platforms I have above my closets in the foyer. The only decoration I've had up there for the last 8 years . . . massive dust bunnies peppered with random dead bugs. It's sad.

So, I went to the store to find some pre-made decorations and they were really pricey! I was thinking I might be willing to spend $20-$30, but I
found nothing that wouldn't require a major overhaul to NOT look cheesy. I'm simply not that gifted . . .

I found some cheap grapevine
trees ($9x2), decorated them with ribbon from Big Lots ($3), berry garland from the craft store ($3.50x2) and gold berry garland from the dollar store ($1x4). I spent about $30 for two trees! And you know, once I let go of being Martha (not that I really strive for that--but that darned woman does set the bar, or should I say jingle stick?!) I had fun just playing around while watching this really lame Christmas movie.

I know I am no Martha. And I'm totally OK with that. Not only that, I'm thinking that from a distance, these tiny trees aren't all that bad.

If I can do it . . .

*First, I know I need a new camera. I'm saving up! In the first photo, the lights are off for one of the trees so you can see that detail. That, and the builders neglected to put a switch for the plug on that side, thus we have to use a ladder to plug it in (I did figure out we could use a timer!). Also, the chandelier is very dusty, those are not "shadows" as I would love to tell you they are. And, yes, that is a basketball hoop on the closet door. Don't ask. I don't . . .


Midwest Mom said...

Your decorations look great! Are you sure you weren't faking at the Craft Store?

[sometimes I wish I could beat Martha with that jingle stick...]

Still hopelessly non-crafty, MM

Cynthia said...

I think it looks great to!

Flea said...

Way cool, you crafty woman, you! I love them!

Jennifer said...

wow!! those came out really GREAT!! i love them. i would have paid $30 for just one of them fully decorated!! :)

way to go!!

move on martha... J's Mommy is coming to town!! :)


PS i really didn't notice any dust... i'm thinking you are just looking too closely!! :)

Anonymous said...

They look great. But, if they were in my house, I would prolly leave them there all year. Just shear laziness of having to get them down.
You go crafty girl!

Unknown said...

Those Christmas trees are very cute - I think you did a great job!

Kat said...

Okay. You're making me feel stupid. I don't think I could make little trees that cute.
Great job!

Anonymous said...

You totally did fine! That's better than I could do. Where are you? We miss you!

Payton said...

They look great -- besides, Martha had to start somewhere.

Tara R. said...

Those are lovely! You did a great job and the trees look perfect for you entry.

Anonymous said...

Oh, look at you miss Crafty Pants!

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

Looks great! I have done zero decorating. wah.

OHmommy said...

I think they are very classy.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I can't take my eyes off the storage. Closets. You can never have too many.

Anonymous said...

Pretty! Forget Martha, those are super cute. I'm going to be searching for those type of trees now... and a spot to put them in too!

Anonymous said...

I'm brain is stuck on the multiple stores you got your supplies from. More than 2 stores and I've lost track of what I've got and how much of it.

Aunt Julie said...

I think you ARE a tad Martha Stewarty, in your Own Special Way!

KG said...

It looks good, damnit. My only complaint, if any, would be that it looks TOO nice. As in - I like a lot of cheese with my decorations. You know - giant inflatable flamigos with Santa hats. That sort of thing. Other than that - hawt!

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

I think those look great! You could probably "splurge" on a little white pillow stuffing (no idea how much that costs) and make a "snow" layer for them to sit on! Just an idea from a fellow wanna-be crafter!

S said...

looks fantastic, l.! said...

Those are very tricky spots! HUGE, too. Plus, they're very visible from top and bottom.

I think you did good. Filling spots like that is hard. I usually play around with my random accessories I have in my basement. You never know what you'll find on my cabinet tops!

Michelle said...

Those look wonderful! This is my first time on your blog, but you seem rather crafty to me... Crafty of you to hide that fact though ;)

justmylife said...

It looks great and I think Martha should be beat with any stick. heh!

justmylife said...
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