Car rides are fun. I mean, they are so fun that I can barely describe the level of fun that occurs when you are in a car for nearly 7 hours with a 6-month-old. Let's see if I can paint a picture for you . . .
First, picture this sweet face. (I know, he'll make me pay for the hat thing later . . . but until then . . . ).So, how does one keep this sweet face looking this sweet so that the adults stay sane (and married)? Well, let me tell you . . .
1. Sing with the radio-- try anything. Country, Rap, Pop. Doesn't matter. Oh, and if you don't know the words . . . just sing watermelon over and over. Wait, just sing anything over and over. They don't know what the heck your saying . . . er . . . singing.
2. Play with toys. Yup. The Whoozit made the trip. Creepy thing worked . . . for at least 45 seconds. That's a near record! We played with the Winkle, the singing caterpillar, the funky balls (gosh, that sounds weird), the rather large collection of rattles and "keys."
3. Play peek-a-boo . . .with everything. Along with mom, each of the above toys had a chance to play. This kept him happy for about 10 minutes.
4. Read to him. Um. That worked until he kept crying unless he could EAT the book.
5. Pacify him. Binkies are awesome. We have four different varieties. J tried them all. And, promptly spit each and every one out . . . over . . . and over . . . and over again. He had so much fun. Mommy got about 3 1/2 minutes of quiet time.
6. Play the sound machine. Yes, I brought one (and extra batteries). He loved the bird sounds and the tropical rain forest ROCKED. I got a few minutes and a NAP! Granted, nap was about 15 minutes, it was a nap.
7. Tickle and funny face time. This was just exhausting. But, he loved the goofy faces mommy made UNTIL she tried one that caused the lower lip to puff out, the chin to quiver, the voice to wail, and the tears to fall. I can't for the life of me remember the expression that caused this major meltdown.
8. Mommy pretends to sleep hoping that baby will sleep too. Didn't work.
9. Eat food. Yes!!! He LOVES to watch me eat (and I LOVE to eat--Bonus!). The only problem. I couldn't eat for 7 hours. I mean, I could . . .
10. SING. Yes, you thought I forgot about just singing to him . . . you know, lullabies, nursery rhymes. He LOVES Old McDonald. The only problem was after awhile I couldn't think of any more farm animals. Hubby had to make wisecracks when I started introducing dinosaurs, lions, yaks (no clue as to what sound they make--I made one up), and finally, a little red corvette (don't ask--I love/d PRINCE).
Outside of one exciting post-sweet potato eating, crawl up and OUT the back of the diaper poop episode, we survived. We get to do this all again in a few weeks. I can't wait for the marathon version when we go to Florida (20+ hours of fun!).
So, how was your weekend?
Sunday, February 17, 2008
I LOVE Seven-Hour Car Rides With a 6-Month Old
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Oh try a 20 hour car trip with 2 moms and 6 kids in the car, ranging from age 2 to 10. Not fun! Well it was fun when we got to stop at the hotel and partake in cocktails. Lots of cocktails.
OMG. Wow. 20 hours. SIX kids. I'm going insane just thinking about it!
OMG! I can't believe you made that trip and are back to tell about it!
This summer when Riley was just a few months old (and still easting every 3 hours) we went to the beach. It was not a 7 hour trip, I think it was 4 or 5. (who can remember anything from those sleep deprived days of just napping through the night) Any other time we get in the car, Riley would sleep. Not this time! He screamed. I told hubby, just keep driving, as soon as we get out of the red lights and are driving without stopping, he will sleep. No dice- more screaming. I actually unbuckled and crawled back into the back seat between my kids because I HAD to do something about all the screaming. Why yes- we did break a few traffic rules that day...but my sanity is still intact...kind of!
Good luck with that 20 hour trip! (I'm glad it is you and not me!)
Traveling with kids is just, um, WOW. We drove from Alaska to Pennsylvania over our daughter's first birthday while she was cutting her molars. I must say that she was awesome considering.
We finally broke down and bought the DVD players that attach to the back of our seats. Really good sale on Black Friday. I don't know how we would do car trips without it.
Oh, yes. Long car rides. They are GRAND, aren't they?? Our life saver on our 2 day trip to Florida was a dvd player and about 3 dvds that got played on a continuous loop. Not a single peep or complaint the whole trip down!! The trip back, well.... let's just say I made hubby stop in GEORGIA so that I could buy some new dvds!!!
LMAO @ #8!!
7 hours?!? Yikes - I can't even keep my 6 month old entertained in the car for 7 minutes unless he's in milk coma and falls asleep. I'm impressed.
It doesn't get any better as they get older.... just different!
:-) Beth
Are you sure there wasn't the smallest sniffle, because Benadryl works real good for those long car rides with a "sick" kid. LOL
Thanks for the glimpse into what I have ahead of me... xcept with more kiddos and the Michigan-Florida trip...and then we have to come back- bah humbug! My parents are actually traveling with us, so they will take the older two kids and then Hubby and I will have youngest tow, with hopes of a good naptime and traveling at night. Stop laughing... it could work, they might sleep! Ha.
The Toddler's limit is six hours, so that seventh hour would be HELL. It's a great excuse for not vising family, though!
Oh, I remember those days. We have made so many car trips to and from Chicago and ohio. YUCK!
Oh sheesh, the poop up the back will get you every time!
You survived? Really? That's a small miracle in itself :)
The place we're likely moving guessed it....7 hours from our family. Great.
Oy. I remember that age and having to pack so much STUFF just to keep them happy (except each toy/gizmo only lasts for about 4 seconds, as you found out).
I'm wondering how a 2-3 month old will do on a 5 hour car trip .... I'll let you know in June. Hopefully she'll be a good eater or it will turn into an 8 hour trip.
Oh wow. That sounds exhausting. I don't want to try that. Ever. If the kids are ever lucky enough to go to Disney (or anywhere else that takes longer than 3 hours) we'll just have to fly.
I love you list of tricks - you rock! It is hard on those little ones - they don't yet get the whole "relax and enjoy the ride" part yet. Cute post - see ya later. Kellan
Wow. I feel for you.
That face is awfully sweet. I don't know. I'm thinking you made it all up. I mean, really, look at Baby J's face. He looks like he'd sit peacefully in a car seat for 7 more hours. :)
Oh he is absolutely gorgeous! Just wait until the day comes when he starts asking "Are we there yet?" when you have just reached the end of the street! Or announces that he needs the toilet (every ten minutes!)Or worse still...gets car sick! That should be a few years away yet though x
Sometimes those car rides just make a girl want to fly! Believe me, I know. Remember our recent trip to Louisville! Glad you were able to keep yourself entertained:)
I loved that post! Thanks for all the great tips. I will be going to the outer banks this summer and they will come in handy. My little one gets very upset in the car. On the way home from Wegmans on Sunday she scratched up her legs because she was mad and wanted out of the car seat. It was only a 15 minute ride!
I have been there sister! And our ride was only 2.5 hours - you are brave. VERY brave.
Florida though? THAT will be worth it.
wow I dread the 3 hr drive to my in-laws I can't imagine a 6 hr drive never mind a 20 hour one!
Wow! At least you put a funny spin to it! I bet you were glad to get your destination.
Thanks for your advice by the way!
I am so glad to be back. Somehow you got dropped off my reader and so I have missed out on all the fun for a few days, but am going to do a review before I leave!
Car trips are so loooooong with kids. Remember when you hopped in the car and were there before you knew it? No longer! ugh. Glad you made it safely.
And puppets, and a DVD player too. We travel to Hilton Head every summer (14 hours) and once to Disney (24 hours). I have tons of tips. Two of my best: leave early, it doesn't matter how early we leave, but once it hits dinner time the kids are done. Also, eat lunch in the car. It saves time and keeps them busy.
We just did a mongo car trip from TX to OH...but with a 3 and 4 year old, it was a tad easier. Dual DVDs are a Godsend!
Love the hat!!
that's a long ride. glad you made it safely. sometimes it's more difficult when they are that little and they won't sleep. if they sleep, it's easy. hope you have many more great car trips!
OMG 20 hours...I would have to self medicate;) My kiddos just scream in the car...scream!
Thanks for you kind words about my design blog...I have been working my butt off trying to get better:)
Oooohhhh . . . great ideas some of you have offered. I'm thinking that the Valium, um, I mean portable DVD player might be a great idea!
What the heck am I whining for? Some of you have had it WAY tougher than me! But I appreciate your sympathy nonetheless :)
I love the sleeping hoping he'll sleep too ... you mean that doesn't work? :)
Thankfully we have never been on a car ride longer than 3 hours with the kids, but we have 2 that get car sick. (Now that in itself is an adventure).
I linked to you from Classy Chaos - my son was born on the same day as yours! August 10, 2007. How cool is that. My son also likes to read (I mean eat) books :)
Ah yes! The long car rides! When our oldest was tiny, my parents lived 8-10 hours away. It was 8 hours without baby. 10 hours driving time with baby. heh. Those were some long trips to see my parents!
Glad you survived! And you're coming to FL next? Oh la la! Orlando, I assume?
In a few weeks I will be taking 4 to TX...11 hours. I feel your pain. (Husband will be gone somewhere again for something with his job...sigh.) Could your baby be any more cute?! Thank God for DVD players...
I feel your pain! I had stored those memories deep within my brain and now they've all come flooding back, and it ain't pretty! :) Six months is such a hard age for road trips! You deserve an award, or at the very least, a pat on the back!
I'm so sorry about the loss of your husband's uncle.
I have almost the same picture of my boy in a hat like that at about the same age! I'm all about the DVD player on long trips, and a lot of snacks, and a portable little potty, and wipes, and trash bags, and snacks.
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
I think I'll start crying now..... car rides with kid...... (oh brother)......
When our oldest was really little (i.e. under a year), we would drive overnight so that the kiddo would sleep through most of the ride. But then, since I have to work, both of my kids routinely fall asleep in the car on our commute home from daycare (sometimes an hour long).
We also employ the laptop or DVD player to watch movies on trips. Should be interesting now that we have two kids and one still faces backwards...maybe on the next trip I'll try tilting his mirror so that he can see the movie, too (yes, my 7-month old loves TV...I'm already resigned to the fact that I'm a bad mom like that).
You did....... I think we must have met up after I posted about that a few months ago......
We're going to try for our 4th starting end of March, early April. It's looking like I'll have to use Clomid plus Metformin again.... which I did with Olivia.... so we'll head back in the the doctors again mid spring..... I'd like to have Olivia and #4 about 3 years apart.... after all, I've got to fill this new mini van I have now! (wink)
I did a 7 hour car trip with my son when he was about 6 months - my voice was hoarse from singing!
LOL What a great post!
Thanks for the giggle!
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