Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: You May Live

I have been able to keep the following alive this month. I am very proud of myself . . .

No clue what this is. But it's pretty.

Can you see the bee???

Apparently, you can't kill these. I should know. I've tried.

The previous owners left these. I'm continually amazed that they come back year after year. Must be risk takers . . .

Apparently I tried to stone these flowers.

And finally . . . He has a few bumps and he's eaten food I've cooked, but he's livin', walkin', talkin' and learning to throw food (um, like I said, I "cook"). And the fun begins . . .

EDITED: So, last night I was apparently falling asleep while posting. I had no idea I actually hit PUBLISH! Such a strange post. But, I've since fixed it up a bit! Happy Wednesday!!!


Mozi Esme said...

Congrats! They are beautiful - especially the J flower!

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I love the flowers! And the boy, of course. =)

Rachel Holloway said...

JEALOUS...everything I'm growin' died...except the kids. :)

Anonymous said...

Good Job! Especially the homo-sapiens! :)

Kat said...

Gorgeous! All of them. Look at that big boy!
Well done!

Kori said...

Those are all so beautiful-especially the baby! You clearly have a talent.

Lori said...

beautiful pictures... and of course J too!

Marmarbug said...

And the one you said you can't kill? I bet I could.
The cutest flower is the last one!

tiarastantrums said...

pretty pretty - are all these in your yard?

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Lovely things all.

Momo Fali said...

Excellent! They're lovely!

Jennifer said...

i really love that it was all flowers and then of course there was J in there too!
not only do i love seeing his handsome little face, but i'm also glad you kept him alive this month too. :)

way to go!!


Tara R. said...

By far the last picture is the most beautiful flower in your garden.

Lori said...

Looks great! I love my flowerbeds - one of my favorite past times!

Danielle said...

hahaha! Great flower pics too- but the last one is my fav.

tommie said...

I am just laughing that you are getting stoned with the flowers.....I miss flowers though. We moved here with a bunch of freaking greenery.....want to make a wreath? ANy closer to getting to Louisville?

Kellan said...

It's a great post and those are all beautiful flowers in your yard and a cute little butter-cup in your house - he's the cutest of all!

Take care - Kellan

Unknown said...

Good for you, you know keepin' things alive and all... especially the kiddo!

p.s. I have those yellow ones too and you're right you pretty much can't kill 'em.

Eve Grey said...

Oh so pretty. I think the first one is a Martha Washington geranium and the second is a sweet pea? I'm a flower geek.

Amy said...

It's enough for me to keep the kids alive, no way I could do flowers ;-)

Unknown said...

great pictures and congrats on keeping them alive. :D

Momisodes said...

Wow! You've done a great job with these :) Including your little man.

I have a total black thumb with plantings.

Anonymous said...

Yay for the greenery. And, did you try the manicotti yet?

Aunt Julie said...

Wish I could make my garden look like this! I've been at it for 2 days, and seriously--I'm feeling more like a Dirt Farmer than anything else!

CC said...

Gorgeous! Come flower me up here.

That top one must be Hibiscus. We love our Hibiscus bushes.

ConverseMomma said...

I like the flowers that rise above stone. It's a beautiful metaphor, isn't it.

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

Beautiful flowers and boy!
I have killed my entire garden in the last 2 sweltering weeks. I guess they wanted water. oops.

Anonymous said...

your first pic is a rose of sharon bush. i have one just like it. i had no clue what it was either.

huddtoo said...


Great shots, beautiful flowers (oh of course..and the baby too. hehe)

I had to chuckle at your line under the first pic.

KG said...

Keeping plants AND children alive is an achievement. Good for you!

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

Very nice! You have much more alive in your yard than I do!

mom2natnkatncj said...

What pretty flowers. I too do not have a green thumb. I tell people if it doesn't tell me it's hungry or thirsty in some way then I'll forget about it ;). I actually managed to kill bamboo and I've been told that's one of the easiest "plants" to take care of. Leave it to me to kill it.

Burgh Baby said...

Great flower pics, even if you didn't mean to publish!

Anonymous said...

great photos!

Anonymous said...

Very nice pics of your flowers and your wee boy. I'd like to say they look to be growing like weeds, but that doesn't sound very complimentary, does it?

Anyway, I wish I could keep flowers alive, but a green thumb I am not!

the mama bird diaries said...

You fell asleep while posting?! You can blog and sleep. That's talent girl! Beautiful snapshots.

Carol said...

I am terrible at keeping any kind of plant or flower alive, so well done you.

The kids I am doing a pretty good job with thus far.

Misty said...

He's getting to be such a big boy!

Lindsay said...

Wow - sounds like we're in the same boat in trying to keep things alive! LOL.

Anonymous said...

OK, I'm pretty sure your yard isn't all that bad.

Then again, you did say you killed a butterfly bush, right?


Anonymous said...

Beautiful and I confess I am 100% jealous. I do not have a green thumb at all. If it is green and goes in the dirt I will kill it. I have even been banned from lowes and home depot on their 1 yr return a plant policy.. LOL

Photo of the Week

Photo of the Week
Two Peas
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