Friday, February 15, 2008

Turkey Love . . .

I'm a little late with this post, but apparently, I was too busy stuffing my face . . .

Yes. It is a turkey. I made a turkey for Valentine's Day. Clearly I confused my holidays. It was NEARLY as good as chocolate (which I ate later, of course).

We are off to Michigan this weekend. T's uncle passed away so we'll be attending his funeral. He was diagnosed with lung cancer a few months before T's dad was. My father-in-law died only months after his diagnosis. T's uncle hung on for nearly two years. We all new it was coming, but can you ever really be prepared to say goodbye? I need some comfort food . . . where's my turkey and chocolate?

Did you hear about the shooting at Northern Illinois? Of course you did. I graduated from NIU. Strangely, I remember being in the parking garage at NIU the day I heard about the shootings at Columbine. Sad. Very sad. Why do these things CONTINUE to happen?

Well, outside of my turkey, aren't I a bucket of fun posts today?

Let's lighten the mood . . .

Here is J . . . having a BALL!

Hope you all had a fantastic Valentine's Day and here is to a wonderful weekend!


Kellan said...

Adorable picture of your sweet baby! I'm sorry about T's uncle - be safe on your trip and my thoughts are with you and your families! Take care - Kellan

PS - that turkey looks perfectly yummy!

Jules said...

I agree. The things that are happening in the world very, very sad.

But on the other hand, thank you for brightening my day with that scrumptious turkey picture and that adorable picture of your little sweetie.

suchsimplepleasures said...

you should stop by, while you're michigan!!
i'll take some turkey!! yummy! thanks!
that baby of stinking cute!

suchsimplepleasures said...

ps...i am so so sorry to hear of your loss!!
safe travel!

Jen said...

Mmmmm. That turkey looks delicious! J is the cutest little guy!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Fellow NIU alum--doesn't it feel so sad and surreal to know we have been in those very seats where the shootings occurred?

What year did you graduate?


Karen said...

I'm sorry about T's uncle. We'll be thinking of you and the family.

Turkey for V-Day is inspired! And it looks cooked to perfection, too. Mmmmmm

Maria said...

That IS pretty strange about where you were when you heard about it! Sorry to hear about the uncle. I agree, turkey and chocolate is the perfect comfort food. And most of all... Love that baby!!!

MarĂ­a said...

I want some turkey...

RJTrue said...

Hope you, T and baby are okay and have safe travels. Sorry for the loss but may you all find comfort in Turkey, baby love and family. You'll be in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Now I might have to make a turkey this weekend!!

Sorry about the funeral, no matter if yuo know its coming it is still hard. I went through that with my grnadmother.

Way cute picture!!


Cynthia said...

I am beside myself with the NIU shooting. I keep thinking there has to be a way to stop this kind of thing from happening...I have no answers, I am just very sad:(

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

The turkey looks great. So sorry to hear about both your uncle and father in law. I agree, you are never really ready to say goodbye. Never.

Mmmmm, off to find some chocolate!
Happy belated V-day to you!

Amy said...

thanks for dropping by my blog!
i am so sorry that you are experiencing a loss at this time. my thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband. take care.

Kristi said...

My sister also graduated from NIU and has been saddened, as has the whole country. How senseless.

It is always good to put an adorable baby at the end of a can't be sad when you see that.

tommie said...

So sorry about T's uncle. Turkey is my husband's comfort food as well.

That cute little baby always brings a smile.

Be Safety's friend while traveling.

Lindsey said...

I'm sorry for your loss. Death is hard no matter the circumstances. No matter if you have had time to prepare. No matter what!

J is precious. That sweet baby boy will continue to bring such joy to you. Hold him tightly and shower him with kisses!

Be careful this weekend!

P.S. The turkey looks delish! I may just be a copy cat and cook one this weekend:)

KG said...

Cute photo - thanks for stopping by my blog! Please come back again. I get so excited when I get a new reader. Oh, and I guess I should warn you - I am one seriously deranged mommy.

Wineplz said...

LOOK AT THE BEEFCAKE BABY! Love his chubby little arms! :)
When I still lived in Chicago I had been to that campus several times and looked at it for college. I'm with you, what is going on with these schools shootings?
Be safe on your trip; sorry for your loss.

Burgh Baby said...

You are the fist person I have ever heard of making turkey for Valentine's Day. Rock on!

Have I ever mentioned that the little guy looks absolutely edible? So darn cute.

Kat said...

Again, I am so sorry for your loss. And yes, I think turkey is definitely a good comfort food. Good choice!

Pam said...

That is a very adorable picture of J! How cute!

I am so sorry about T's uncle - that is sad!

I too feel like all these shootings and terrible things keep happening. Why? What can we do to stop this?

Your turkey is making me hungry!

just jamie said...

Okay I'm feeling highly inadequate: you made a turkey for Valentine's Day! My husband might keel over if I did that. Bravo for that gorgeous looking piece of poultry.

Safe travels. said...

I know. No words to convey the sadness over NIU...

girlymom said...

Oh~ J is having a blast, look at how happy he is!

Welcome to Michigan, wish it was for a happier reason.

I can honestly say I don't think I have ever had a chocolate turkey, oh wait you said turkey and then chocolate, does that mean turkey chocolate? Ha, just kidding. Glad you had a nice meal and some chocolates! My children wanted some of MY chocolate, I was feeling generous and shared, but I poked my finger in each so they had their choice of my least favs...hey at least I shared!! :)

Safe travels!!

Michele said...

Sorry to hear about your loss, LaskiGal. ;'(

On a lighter note, I stopped by to congratulate you on winning that Amazon Gift Certificate. Way to go!


Lori said...

I think turkey is perfect for Valentine's...yummy! (as long as it is followed with a chocolate dessert).

Have a safe trip. Sorry for your families loss.

Angela DeRossett said...

Sorry for your loss. The turkey looks fantastic!!! Hope you guys have a safe trip!

OHmommy said...

I know, I agree. It is frightening. I have been to NIU a number of times.

Danielle said...

You baby is just adorable!

Lori said...

Such a cute baby pic... got to love the busy balls!

Aliki2006 said...

He's a cutie, that's for sure!

Sorry for the loss--safe travels.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

The baby is all sorts of cute. I'm so sorry to hear about your Uncle - how tragic.

And that shooting? Another tragedy. There's just so much woe in the world lately! :)

Anonymous said...

Good food = good lovin. One of the immutable laws of physics. And they both make you sleepy ;)

Laski said...

I'm back . . . long drive. Sad trip, but there were some lovely moments. Thanks so much for all the well wishes! You are all so AWESOME!!!

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